Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

All Vatel students can participate.

How do I participate?

To participate, please write a short email to ubimpressed[at]gmail[dot]com, and we will send you the link to a subscription form.

Why should I participate?

If you participate, you will benefit from the following:

  • Experience. You will have two simulated job interviews and front desk situations.
  • Professional feedback. You will get free feedback on how you performed during the job interview, at the front desk, and in your video resume.
  • Monetary retribution. You will get 50CHF for participating to the study.

Where is the lab?

The lab is located in the Idiap/Vatel building, in the basement. The room number is S01, and is located close to the Vatel computer room. When you get out of the elevators, turn right.

How will my personal data be protected?

The study follows Swiss regulations in terms of personal data protection. Your data will be anonymized by using participant identifiers that cannot be linked to your name. Vatel School is not interested in your personal data, and will not have access to it. Rather, the School is hoping that you benefit from the feedback and training experience through your participation in the study.

Is my participation voluntary?


Can I do the study in French?

Yes. If you are not feeling comfortable enough in English, you have the possibility to do the job interview and the front-desk scenario in French. For the video resume, recording an English version is mandatory, and a French version is optional.

Who should I contact if I have other questions?

Please contact Laurent Nguyen by email (lnguyen[at]idiap[dot]ch), or drop by at his office (305).