
Invited talk at ECCV Workshop on Apparent Personality Recognition

Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez presented work on computational analysis of job interviews and online video resumes.
The ECCV Workshop on Apparent Personality Recognition was held in Amsterdam, October 9, 2016.
Oct 21, 2016

Cornell partners receive Ubicomp 2016 Best Paper Award

The work by Jean Costa, Tanzeem Choudhury, and their collaborators at Cornell University received the Best Paper Award at ACM Ubicomp 2016 in Heidelberg, Germany.
J. Costa, A. T. Adams, M. F. Jung, F. Guimbetiere, and T. Choudhury,
EmotionCheck: leveraging bodily signals and false feedback to regulate our emotions, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Heidelberg,
Sep 21, 2016

Social computing research on Bilan Magazine

Research by the Social Computing Group on analysis of soft skills in job interviews was featured in Bilan, the premier Swiss business magazine.
Comment déceler et utiliser vos soft skills
Margaux Reguin, Bilan, p. 40-41, 14.10.2015
Oct 16, 2015

Watching me, watching you: making sense of social interaction

Marianne Schmid Mast (UNIL) talks about Social Sensing for Psychology and some of the UBImpressed research on HRZone, the popular website for Human Resources professionals:
Oct 07, 2015

UBImpressed partners involved in the organization of Ubicomp/ISWC 2015

Ubicomp/ISWC, the two premier venues on ubiquitous and wearable computing, were jointly held in Osaka, Japan, September 7-11, 2015, with an attendance record of over 860 attendees.
Daniel Gatica-Perez and Tanzeem Choudhury (investigators in the UBImpressed project) were part of the organizing committee as General Co-Chair and Program Co-Chair, respectively.
Oct 06, 2015

UBImpressed at the HR-Conference Romand 2015

The UBImpressed project took part in the HR-Conference Romand, organized at the University of Lausanne, September 8, 2015. Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast and Dr. Denise Frauendorfer co-organized the workshop "Novel technologies to measure verbal and non-verbal behavior", in which social sensing technologies were introduced and demonstrated.
More details at:
Oct 06, 2015

A view of UBImpressed on Swiss TV

The activities of the Social Computing Group including the UBImpressed project room were featured on Swiss TV (Canal 9).

You can watch the full coverage here (in French):

Oct 01, 2015

Laurent Nguyen receives PhD degree from EPFL

Laurent Nguyen received the PhD degree from EPFL on May 29th 2015 after the public defense of his doctoral dissertation entitled: "Computational Analysis of Behavior in Employment Interviews and Video Resumes".

His research was conducted in the framework of the projects SONVB and UBImpressed supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Laurent will now work as a postdoctoral researcher at Idiap and EPFL.

To download Laurent's thesis, click on the following link :  null Computational Analysis of Behavior in Employment Interviews and Video Resumes
Congratulations to Dr. Nguyen!
Jun 08, 2015

UBImpressed project has started

Our project has started in January 2014, with a three-year duration.
Jan 16, 2014