
D. Gatica-Perez. Analyzing Job Interviews and Online Video Resumes: A Multimodal Approach. Invited talk at the ECCV Workshop on Apparent Personality Recognition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2016.

D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast. In nur 40 Sekunden: Korrekte Voraussagen künftiger Arbeitsleistung auf Basis kurzer Videosequenzen des Bewerbungsinterviews [Only 40 seconds: Accurate prediction of future job performance based on job interview thin-slices]. Oral presentation at the German Association of Psychology (DGP), Bochum, Germany, September 2014.

M. Schmid Mast, I. Latu, D. Bombari, D. Frauendorfer. Power and interpersonal accuracy: Mediators, moderators, and effects. Oral presentation at the 17th general meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherland, July 2014.

D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast, M. Mehl, L. S. Nguyen, D. Gatica-Perez. Applicant Nonverbal and Verbal Immediacy in the Job interview: Same Same but Different? Oral presentation at the 3rd Nonverbal Behavior Pre-conference of the Society for Social and Personality Psychology, Austin, TX, USA, February 2014.

D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast, M. Mehl, L. S. Nguyen, D. Gatica-Perez. Applicant Verbal Immediacy in the Job Interview: Beneficial or Detrimental for the Job Interview Outcome? Poster presented at the 17th general meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherland, July 2014.

J. A. Hall, D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast, M. A. Ruben, K. M. Hill. The structure of personality judgment accuracy. Poster presented at the 15 th Conference of the Society for Social and Personality Psychology, Austin, TX, USA, February 2014.

D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast. Interpersonal Sensitivity and Adequate Interpersonal Behavior: Empirical Evidence of an Existing Link for Women. Poster presented at the 15 th Conference of the Society for Social and Personality Psychology, Austin, TX, USA, February 2014.