
Image series of the beating heart of a 48 hours post fertilization old transgenic zebrafish

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Description :

This dataset contains the raw data used in publication [1]. It features image series of the beating heart of a 48 hours post fertilization old Tg(actb2:LIFEACT-RFP) [2] transgenic zebrafish. Tg(actb2:LIFEACT-RFP) express red fluorescent proteins that bind to F-actin fibers. The images were acquired on an OpenSPIM microscope with an UMPLFLN 20XW semi-apochromat water dipping objective lens. The temporal illumination pattern alternated between ramp-illumination and pulse-illumination for each of the 100 frames of the series (ramp, pulse, ramp, pulse, etc., see [1]). The camera exposure time of each frame was 70ms, the pulse duration was 4ms (see [1] for details on the ramp characteristics).


[1] O. Mariani, F. Marelli, C. Jaques, A. Ernst, M. Liebling, "Unequivocal cardiac phase sorting from alternating ramp- and pulse- illuminated microscopy image sequences", IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 13-16 April 2021, in press
[2] https://zfin.org/ZDB-TGCONSTRCT-130206-2

Reference paper :

O. Mariani, F. Marelli, C. Jaques, A. Ernst, M. Liebling, "Unequivocal cardiac phase sorting from alternating ramp- and pulse- illuminated microscopy image sequences", IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 13-16 April 2021, in press

 licence : CC BY 4.0

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