Collaborations industrielles
L'Idiap facilite activement le transfert de technologie et l'innovation en encourageant les collaborations avec l'industrie et en favorisant la création de startups technologiques à fort impact.
Passionnés, nous mettons en pratique nos recherches révolutionnaires en matière d'intelligence artificielle (IA). Notre équipe spécialisée dans le transfert de technologies collabore étroitement avec les entreprises de toutes tailles, des jeunes pousses aux sociétés établies, pour chercher et développer des solutions qui répondent à leurs besoins et défis spécifiques. Tirez parti de notre expertise pour obtenir un avantage concurrentiel et découvrir de nouvelles opportunités.
L'équipe spécialisée de transfert de technologie de l'Idiap, composée d'ingénieurs en recherche et développement hautement qualifiés, permet aux entreprises d'exploiter des solutions d'IA de pointe. En développant des outils logiciels personnalisés et en les intégrant dans les flux de travail de l'industrie, ils comblent le fossé entre la recherche et les applications du monde réel, accélérant ainsi l'innovation économique.
En outre, l'incubateur de l'Idiap, IdeArk, améliore les technologies de l'Institut et encourage la création de nouvelles startups en offrant un espace de travail, en facilitant le financement et en fournissant un mentorat aux fondateurs.
Prêt à vous lancer ? Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour prendre rendez-vous par email ou appelez-nous au +41 27 721 77 22.
Projets en cours
- BIPED - Biped - Self-driving technology to guide blind pedestrians
- CAD4IED - Computer assisted detection and grading of inflammatory eye diseases via fluorescein angiograms and novel biomarkers
- EUROCONTROL - Integrate the Automatic Speech Recognition system with eDEP, ESCAPE and audiolan
- IICT - Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies
- IVECT - Impact of greening on the energy balance and thermal comfort of buildings and districts
- MAVERICK - MAVERICK: Maximum evidence platform for explainable predictions of risk
- MECHANIC - Automated End-To-End Mechanical Design Reasoning Supported by Large Language Models
- MELAS-KPI - Towards the development of predictive biomarkers for patient stratification and immunotherapy response in cancer
- PMPM - PmPm - Predictive Manufacturing Predictive Maintenance
- PRIMEAID - PRiMEAiD: Privacy-pReserving bioMetric idEntification for humAnitarian aid Distribution
- PROTEAS - Preservation Of The Emotional Attributes of Speech
- ROSALIND - Robust anti-fraud algorithms against malicious AI-generated face images and travel documents
- SEM24 - SEM24
- SENTINEL-UK - Securing Age Estimation and Digital IDs against Presentation and Injection Threats
- SINFONIA - SINFONIA: Social IntelligeNce FOr strategic aNticIpAtion
- SMART-DISPENSING - Smart Dispensing: Programming of a complex deposit task through learning from demonstration
Projets complétés
- 3D2CUT - Machine Learning for Tailor Made Vine Pruning
- AAMASSE - Acoustic Model Adaptation toward Spontaneous Speech and Environment
- ABROAD - ABRoad: Development of an NLP tool for selecting the potential sources of novel antibiotic active against multiresistant microbes
- ADVANCE - ADVANCe - Augmented dialogue tool based on verbal and non-verbal behavior computing
- AI-SENSOR - Sensor Fusion and Active Sensing for World-View Understanding
- AMICLEAR - AMICLEAR: détection de fibres d’AMIante par CLassification d’images de microscopie Electronique pour l’Analyse de Résidus
- ARIS - Automatic French and German Speech Recognition System for Efficient Indexing and Search
- ASLEEP - Adapting the Static Luggage dEtEction module for the ProtectRail demonstrator
- ATAP - ATAP - Continuous Authentication Program
- AUDIOSEARCHDEMO - Demonstration for AudioSearch
- AUDIOTAG - AudioTag
- BALI - BArcode Localization and Identification
- BAXTER - Démonstrateur Baxter
- BBC_BOB - Adapting bespoke speaker identification models to be used in IDIAP's 'Bob.Spear' speaker recognition software
- BEEAPP - Beeapp
- BIOWATCH - Biowatch
- BIOWAVE - BIOWAVE pre-product, a BIOmetric Watch Activated by VEins
- BOAT - BOAT - Automated Braces generation for Orthopaedic Anatomical Treatment of fractures
- CAMPRO - Camera de profondeur
- CANDY - ContActless finger veiN recognition and presentation attack Detection on-the-flY
- CLEAR - Online Cloud-based Platform for Efficient and Robust Face Recognition Servi
- CMM - Conversation Member Match
- COBALT - Content Based Call Filtering
- COMMIC2 - Système cognitif pour une commande intelligente de chauffage, phase2
- DAHL - DAHL: Domain Adaptation via Hierarchical Lexicons
- DAUM - Domain Adaptation Using Sub-Space Models
- DAUM2012 - Domain Adaptation Using Sub-Space Models
- DIGI-BOARD - DIGI-Board (Digit-Arena)
- DOMOCARE - DomoCare - A new Home Care Preventive Protocol
- DRACULA - DRACULA - Detect and track people/object in order to deliver personalised movies.
- EGUZKI - Eguzki : Programme de simulation de réseaux de chauffage à distance basé sur l’intelligence artificielle pour la résolution rapide et prédictive de réseaux complexes bouclés.
- ELEARNING-VALAIS_3.0 - eLearning-Valais 3.0
- EMMA1 - Expression Mimics Marker Analysis
- EPARTNERS4ALL - ePartners4All: a (personalized and) blended care solution with virtual buddy for child health
- ESGEM - Enhanced Swiss German mEdia Monitoring
- FAIRFACE - FairFace
- FAR - Face Alignment based on RGB-D Cameras
- FARGO - Convenient and Secure 3D Face Recognition based on RGB-D Cameras
- FAVEO - Accelerating online information discovery through context-driven and behaviour-based personalization of search
- FEDARS - Feature Extraction from Deep learning Architectures for face Recognition Systems
- GOOGLE_MOBILE - Mobile Face and Voice Anti Spoofing
- HAPPYGLOVE - Electronic goniometer hAPPy Glove feasibility study
- HARDENING - HARDENING: Heterogeneous face recognition for unified identity management
- HYBRID - Hybrid Recommender System
- ICU - Ilots de chaleur en ville de Fribourg : identification, anticipation et stratégie d’adaptation et de valorisation
- IMIM - Intelligent Monitoring for In-line Manufacturing
- IMPACT - Image Spam Classification
- INNO-DIGGER - Artificial intelligence assistance for remote controlled excavator
- INNO-MOBILET - Smart Battery Network
- INNO-SIMPLYHOME - Improving indoor environment, energy consumption and comfort in existing buildings
- JOGGL - jöggl (töggl for juristic applications)
- KLSP - KeyLemon et la Poste Suisse
- LAMI - Large scale multi-energy information platform
- LIFE - PdG-fatigue
- LS-CONTEXT - Large-Scale Human Context Discovery from Mobile Phones
- LUCIDELES - Leveraging User-Centric Intelligent Daylight and Electric Lighting for Energy Saving
- MALAT - MALAT: Machine Learning for Air Traffic
- MARGIN - MARGIN: Multi-modal federated age verification
- MOGS - 2ieme génération de l'app MOGS
- MULTIVEO - High Accuracy Speaker-Independent Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition System
- NEC - NEC collaboration
- NMTBENCHMARK - Training and Benchmarking Neural MT and ASR Systems for Swiss Languages
- NORE - No Recalibration Eye-Tracking
- NTT - NISHA - NTT Idiap Social Behaviour Analysis Initiative
- P3 - P3: Press Pressure Prediction
- PANDA - Perceptual Background Noise Analysis for the Newest Generation of Telecommunication Systems
- PHOTO-ATTACK - Face Authentication Robust to Replay Attacks
- POLYPROTECT - PolyProtect
- PUNK - Punk – Punktuation
- RECOMEDIND - RecoMed Industrialisation
- REGENN - Robust Eye-Gaze Estimation Deep Neural Network
- RISE - Rich Interpersonal Skill analytics for rEcruitment
- S3C-CBC-2023 - Force based assembly autonomous learning
- SC-IBR-1 - AI-powered directional light unit for intelligent dentist chairs
- SCOREL2 - Automatic scoring and adaptive pedagogy for oral language learning
- SHAPED - SHAPED: Speech Hybrid Analytics Platform for consumer and Enterprise Devices
- SIL - Search inside Lyrics
- SM2 - SM2: Extracting Semantic Meaning from Spoken Material
- SMARTCAP - Smart Caps Orientation
- SNACK - Bites’n’Bits: Understanding Eating Routines in Context
- SPORTPROFILING - Sport Profiling
- STARFISH - STARFISH: Safety and Speech Recognition with Artificial Intelligence in the Use of Air Traffic Control
- SUVA - Recomed: Intégration de la transcription vocale dans le dossier patient informatisé CRR
- SWISKO - Swiss-Korean project to develop and integrate new wearable sensors into the existing DomoSafety ambient sensor system.
- TAO-CSR - Task Adaptation and Optimisation for Conversational Speech Recognition
- TRUETIME - TrueTime
- UNICITY - 3D scene understanding through machine learning to secure entrance zones
- USP - Unique Stability Plates: Advanced Aluminium Solution for High Precision Milling
- VA - Visite Augmentée
- VEOVOX - VeoVox: Voice-Controlled Order-Taking System for Restaurants
- VERYTHIN - VeryThin: Speaker Verification and Thin Device
- VIDEOPROTECTOR - Morphean VideoProtector
- VIEW-2 - Visibility Improvement for Events Webcasting
- WAVE2-96 - H2020-SESAR-PJ.10-W2-Solution 96