ATC LID/ASR evaluation dataset

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"The ATC LID/ASR evaluation dataset is going to be published at Interspeech 2021. Stay tuned!"

Abstract: Detecting English Speech in the Air Traffic Control Voice Communication |

ASR dataset (V1).

Name: ATCO2-ASRdataset-v1_beta

Description: This dataset was build for development and evaluation of automatic speech recognizer techniques for English ATC data. Note: The dataset is considered as beta version and will be updated in the near future (some transcript fine tuning may happen). The dataset consists of English coming from LKTB, LKPR, LZIB, LSGS, LSZH, LSZB and YSSY airports The length of audio is 1.10 hours in total. We provided audio (wav format), English automatic transcript generated by an ASR and info file with meta information and nearby callsigns.

Temporary link to file to download:

LID dataset (V1).

Name: ATCO2-LIDdataset-v1_beta

Description: This dataset was build for development and evaluation of techniques for English and non-English speech classification of ATC data. Note: The dataset is considered as beta version and will be updated in the future (more language pairs will be add and some cleaning/debugging may happen). The dataset consists of language pairs:

CZEN - devel (6.11 hours),

CZEN - eval (6.21 hours)

FREN - devel (2.68 hours),

FREN - eval (3.27 hours),

GEEN - devel English only (5.61 hours),

GEEN - eval (2.41 hours),

EN-AU (Australian English) - eval English only (0.17 hours).

Where possible we split the pair to development and evaluation subsets. We provided audio (wav format), English automatic transcript generated by an ASR and info file with estimated SNR, language and length.

Temporary link to file to download: