SkySoft ATM MALAT wind speed

The dataset contains the flight's track points that passed over the Switzerland airspace over five different weeks.

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SkySoft ATM created this dataset as a part of the Innosuisse MALAT project to enhance the quality of high-altitude wind nowcasting. The dataset contains the flight's track points that passed over European airspace over five weeks. In detail, it contains Mode-S data recordings for 35 separate days. Mode-S data is exchanged between Secondary Surveillance Radars (SSR) and the aircraft radar transponders and consists of position and wind information. SSRs rotate with a period of 4 seconds, setting the sampling time for these variables.

The total dataset contains over 33 million measurement points, corresponding to around 6.7 million points per week or roughly a million points per day. Planes record these points along their trajectory, and there were 61929 different flights recorded over the airspace during the whole period, which corresponds to around 1770 flights per day.