DISCLAIMER - Distribution of FERET-Morphs has been suspended.
Database Description
FERET-Morphs is a dataset of morphed faces selected from the publicly available FERET dataset (https://www.nist.gov/itl/products-and-services/color-feret-database).
We created the database by selecting similar looking pairs of people, and made 3 types of morphs for each pair using the following morphing tools:
OpenCV (https://www.learnopencv.com/face-morph-using-opencv-cpp-python/)
FaceMorpher (https://github.com/yaopang/FaceMorpher/tree/master/facemorpher)
StyleGAN 2 (https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2)
This dataset is planned for vulnerability analysis experiments in the context of face recognition.
Therefore, it is intended to be used in conjunction with the original FERET dataset.
The `copy_original_feret.py` file included with this dataset helps with preparing the file structure so this folder may easily be used for such experiments.
$ python copy_original_feret.py /path/to/original/feret/folder
Once completed the directory's structure should be as given below:
+-- feret
| +-- morph_facemorpher
| +-- morph_opencv
| +-- morph_stylegan
| +-- raw
| +-- protocols
| +-- copy_original_feret.py
| +-- feret_selection.csv
| +-- README.txt
The vulnerability analysis can be conducted in two ways, using:
- morphed images as references (`reverse-protocol`)
- morphed images as probes (`scores-protocol`)
The protocols for both types of experiments are provided in the `protocols` folder, each of which contains the file lists of detailing the exact images used as references (`for_models.lst`) and as probes (`for_probes.lst`) for each morphing tool.
The data is *not* split into subsets, rather a single set is provided both as the development (`dev`) and evaluation set (`eval`) in order to be easily used by a toolkit such as bob (https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob).
Any publication (eg. conference paper, journal article, technical report, book chapter, etc) resulting from the usage of FERET_Morphs must cite the following papers:
author = {Sarkar, Eklavya and Korshunov, Pavel and Colbois, Laurent and Marcel, Sébastien},
booktitle = {ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
title = {Are GAN-based morphs threatening face recognition?},
title={Vulnerability Analysis of Face Morphing Attacks from Landmarks and Generative Adversarial Networks},
author={Eklavya Sarkar and Pavel Korshunov and Laurent Colbois and S\'{e}bastien Marcel},
journal={arXiv preprint},
Any publication (eg. conference paper, journal article, technical report, book chapter, etc) resulting from the usage of FERET and subsequently FERET_Morphs must also cite the following paper:
P. Jonathon Phillips, Harry Wechsler, Jeffery Huang, and Patrick J. Rauss,
The feret database and evaluation procedure for face-recognition algorithms.
Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 16, no.5, pp. 295–306, 1998.