Master Course Biometrics 2020
Master Course Biometrics 2020
Biometrics refers to the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural (speech, ...) and biological (face, fingerprint, iris, ...) characteristics for identification or authentication. It is a truly multidisciplinary domain at the intersection of bio-physiology, signal processing, machine learning, and cryptology, and provides multiple fundamental scientific challenges in these domains.
This course introduces to the analysis, modelling and interpretation of biometric data for biometric person recognition, forensic biometrics, cybersecurity and behavioural biometrics in man-machine communication.
The course is proposed at UNIL (UNIL Biometrics) as a compulsory course of the Master of Science (MSc) in “Forensic Science, orientation Physical Identification”, a option course of the Master of Science (MSc) in “Forensic Science, orientation Chemical Criminalistics” and the Master of Science (MSc) in “Forensic Science, orientation Digital Investigation and Identification”.
The main instructor is Sébastien Marcel.
• Lectures: 10
• Labs: 4 (!! personal laptop required !!)
• Assessment: final exam (late Jan 2021)
• Dates: every Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00 September 17th - December 17th 2020
• Room: UNIL POL 279
Required prior knowledge:
Linear algebra, Probabilities and Statistics, Python basics
Content and schedule available soon !
Master Course Biometrics at UNIL