Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing
Sébastien Marcel - Idiap research institute (CH) -- <marcel@idiap.ch>
Julian Fierrez - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES) -- <julian.fierrez@uam.es>
Nicholas Evans - EURECOM (FR) -- <evans@eurecom.fr>
The first ( DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-6524-8 ) and second ( DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-92627-8 ) Editions of the Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing published by Springer were a tremendous success with almost 50,000 chapter downloads.
Biometrics is a tremendously active research field including developments in sensing technology, signal and image processing, information security, and applied machine learning, and strong links with other research areas such as forensic science, human-computer interaction, and systems engineering. In the last decade, and especially in the last years, Presentation Attack Detection (PAD also referred to as Spoofing) has become established as an important topic in biometrics with an emphasis on the security and reliability of biometric systems. Recent years have seen rapid developments and progress with a growing number of journal articles, conference papers, reviews and standards having appeared in the open literature, including a number of novel PAD methods and vulnerability assessment methodologies.
A 3nd Edition of the Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing (Presentation Attack Detection and Vulnerability Assessment) is now planned for publication by Springer late 2021. The editorial team is soliciting updates and new chapter contributions to the 3nd Edition from members of the biometrics, pattern recognition and machine learning research communities. Contributions from other communities which cover aspects strongly related to biometric PAD are also welcome, e.g., information security, human-computer interaction, and systems engineering.
The new edition will present the state-of-the-art in presentation attack detection and vulnerability assessment for a large number of biometric characteristics:
• face (visual spectra, Near-Infrared or Thermal)
• voice (speaker recognition)
• fingerprint
• iris
• vein (finger-vein, palm-vein, ...)
• gait
• handwriting or signature biometrics
• emerging biometrics (behavioral biometrics, EEG, ...).
New chapter contributions are expected to present novel research in sensing and processing for PAD, new PAD techniques, comparative studies, literature surveys, overviews of standardization efforts, presentation of public datasets and evaluation efforts including new vulnerability assessment methodologies. Reports of significant real-world applications of PAD are also welcome.
Reproducible Research
The Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing (2nd Edition) will have a focus on reproducible research (RR). All contributions containing a new experimental evaluation (as opposed to surveys of past work) are required to meet the following conditions:
•experiments should relate to publicly available datasets as a first requirement for RR;
•system scores generated with proposed PAD methods should be openly available as a second requirement for RR.
Additionally, the sharing of plots or performance figures, open source code of the proposed methods and detailed instructions to reproduce the experiments is strongly encouraged.
•Call for contributions: Dec 4th 2020
•Expression of Interest from Authors (chapter title, abstract and organisation): September 1 2021
•Selection of chapters: September 15 2021
•Commitment from Authors: September 15 2021
•Confirmed Table of Content and authors: October 1 2021
•Deadline for authors: October 31 2021
•Review outcome: December 15 2021
•Final manuscript: February 1 2022
Prospective authors should express their interest by Jan 29th 2021 with a concise chapter proposal (title, authors, abstract, organisation and action towards reproducible research if applicable) to the editorial team:
Sébastien Marcel - Idiap research institute (CH) -- <marcel@idiap.ch>
Julian Fierrez - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES) -- <julian.fierrez@uam.es>
Nicholas Evans - EURECOM (FR) -- <evans@eurecom.fr>
Call for contributions to the Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing (3rd Edition)