
Mi Casa Es su Casa presented at the Fourth Meeting of Tourism Observatories in Mexico

Mi Casa Es su Casa presented at the Fourth Meeting of Tourism Observatories in Mexico

The project Mi Casa Es Su Casa was presented by Salvador Ruiz-Correa during the Encuentro Nacional e Internacional de Observatorios Turisticos.

This meeting, held on September 13-14 2016 in Guanajuato City, was organized by the National Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), the Institute for Tourism Competitiveness (ICTUR) and the Ministry of Tourism of Guanajuato State.
Sep 15, 2016

MCSC presented at meeting on Observatories for Tourism in Mexico

MCSC (Mi Casa es Su Casa) was presented by Salvador Ruiz-Correa at the Third Meeting of Observatories for Tourism in Guanajuato City, Mexico, on September 7-8. The meeting was co-organized by the National Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) and the State Ministry of Tourism of Guanajuato.

Sep 18, 2015

MCSC project starts

The activities of the MCSC (Mi Casa es Su Casa) have started.

The team partners in Guanajuato, Mexico and Lausanne, Switzerand are designing initial instruments and the communication strategy for the field work.
Feb 04, 2015