Meeting Dialog
Meeting Dialog and Argumentation Tracking
One of the most important and difficult-to-understand parts of a meeting is the discussion. People want to remember, indeed they frequently need to understand agreement, disagreement and the arguments given by different constituents, but this is not available today using existing technologies or the notes of individual meeting participants. At University of Twente, a method to capture and represent the discussion content in an intuitive and crisp manner has been developed. From the AMI meeting corpus, we can see how the argumentation representation is available in a typical recording of a future meeting. The lines in the tree depict relations between various notes (positive, negative, request for more information) and permit the user to follow a discussion thread in a new and meaningful manner. This movie also shows how the technology has been adapted for use in the JFerret meeting browser.
[more information about HMI, more information on argumentation, article describes foundation of argumentation research work]
Automatic floor detection (2)