Past Events
Up one levelAMI Knowledge and KnowHow Transfer (Utrecht, NL, from 10.09.2008 09:15 to 10.09.2008 17:00)
In parallel with conducting its research, the AMI Consortium is also developing knowledge. We have knowledge assets which we wish to transfer to companies in our Community of Interest.
AMI Career Day at MLMI 2008 ( Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 10.09.2008 08:00 to 10.09.2008 18:00)
The AMI Career Day is a satellite event of MLMI 2008 focused on matching up candidates with members of the AMI Community of Interest who are looking for people with AMI know how and skills to work in their companies.
MLMI08 (Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 08.09.2008 08:00 to 10.09.2008 18:00)
5th Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction
AMI Community of Interest Workshop (Martigny Switzerland, from 04.02.2008 09:00 to 05.02.2008 15:00)
Summer 2007 Workshop (Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Switzerland , from 25.08.2007 08:00 to 29.08.2007 19:30)
Summer Workshop on Multi-Sensory Modalities in Cognitive Science
MLMI07 (Brno, Czech Republic, from 28.06.2007 08:00 to 30.06.2007 18:00)
4th Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction
WR Collaboration Summit (Los Angeles Platz 1, Berlin 10789 Germany, from 23.04.2007 17:40 to 25.04.2007 17:40)
Bringing Suppliers, End Users, Channel Partners, and Service Providers together in an interactive forum on Unified Communications
AI for Human Computing (Hyderabad, India, from 06.01.2007 08:00 to 06.01.2007 18:00)
This is the "AI for Human Computing" workshop organized at the IJCAI conference, to be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-12 January 2007. Main organizer of the workshop is AMI partner University of Twente and other AMI participants are in the program commitee of this workshop.