AMI Instrumented Meeting Rooms
The AMI Instrumented Meeting Room is a meeting room equipped for research purposes with synchronized multi-modal recording facilities.
The Instrumented Meeting Room acquires real-time audio, visual, presentation and textual data within meeting scenarios. These recordings are needed to support the wide range of speech, image and multi-modal research efforts that occur within the AMI Consortium.
The room is a 6.4m x 5.3m x 3m rectangular room containing a centrally located 3.2m x 1.2m rectangular table suitable for seating 4 people ( SMRScematics.pdf).
For a participant's point of view, each person in the meeting is equipped with a head mounted microphone and a lapel microphone, a close-up view camera, a laptop with acquisition of the display, and a digital pen for hand written notes.
For a meeting room overview, the room is equipped with 16 microphones for microphone array recordings, two cameras with front-on views of participants and a camera with a general meeting view, a projector screen and beamer with high resolution capture and a electronic whiteboard surface to record pen strokes.
To allow flexible placement of cameras and lights in the room, metal rails have been installed on all walls. All cabling for the different devices has been professionally installed, and runs out-of-sight in channelling beneath the table and around the walls