Biometrics Evaluation and Testing (BEAT)
BEAT management structure ¦ Work Packages ¦ Deliverables
BEAT management structure
Figure: PC stands for Project Coordinator and AM stands for Administrative Manager
BEAT is coordinated by Dr. Sébastien Marcel from the Idiap Research Institute. The Project Coordinator has the overall responsibility for the direction of the project:
- Direct all scientific, dissemination and technical activities of the project,
- Chair regular project meetings with WP leaders,
- Ensure effective management of knowledge and intellectual property,
- Oversee the submission of progress reports, deliverables and financial statements to the European Commission,
- Oversee payments of funds to partners
- ...
The Management Team
The Administrative Manager supports the Project Coordinator in the overall execution of his roles and is responsible for:
- Dealing with all legal, ethical and financial issues,
- Liaising with the European Commission,
- Coordinating the actions of the Project Board and Committees,
- Consolidating and distribute the various scientific, administrative and financial reports,
- Organizing TABULA RASA events including the yearly reviews.
- ...
The Work-package Leader
Each work-package is led by a work-package leader. The roles and responsibilities of each work-package leader is to:
- Ensure progress according to budget and plans for each of the tasks in the WP,
- Synchronize the tasks internally within the work-package and, as necessary with those of other WPs,
- Report progress in the WP regularly to the Project Executive,
- Ensure the timely production of deliverables and reaching of milestones for the WP.
- ...
The Project Board
The membership of the project board is:
- Sébastien Marcel, IDIAP
- Julian Fierrez, UAM
- Norman Poh, UNIS
- Serge Vaudenay, EPFL
- Cagatay Karabat, TUBITAK
- Alain Merle, CEA
- Hervé Chabanne, MPH
- Nils Tekampe, TUVIT
- Els Kindt, KULeuven
- Katerina Mitrokotsa, CHALMERS
The role of the Project Board will be to direct the strategic orientation of the project and to safeguard the interests of all participants in the project. The Project Board will delegate responsibility for the day-to-day management of the project to a Project Executive comprising the Project Coordinator and the Administrative Manager.
The Project executive
The membership of the project executive is:
- Sebastien Marcel, IDIAP
- Christophe Ecoeur, IDIAP
The Project Executive will direct all activities of the project towards its objectives within the framework of the Contract and the Consortium Agreement.
The Security Scrutiny Board
The membership of the exploitation committee is:
- To be defined, all responsibles of deliverables in WP4, (UAM + TUVIT)
- To be defined, at least one Advisory Board member
The Security Scrutiny Board is responsible for assessing the sensitivity of all deliverables in WP4 before any publication in case of possible issues. However, it should be noted that most of the deliverables in WP4 will be restricted.
The Exploitation Committee
The membership of the exploitation committee is:
- Sébastien Marcel, IDIAP
- Julian Fierrez, UAM
- Norman Poh, UNIS
- Serge Vaudenay, EPFL
- Cagatay Karabat, TUBITAK
- Alain Merle, CEA
- Hervé Chabanne, MPH
- Nils Tekampe, TUVIT
- Els Kindt, KULeuven
- Katerina Mitrokotsa, CHALMERS
The Exploitation Committee is responsible for matters related to the exploitation of the project’s outputs.
The Advisory Board
The membership of the advisory board is:
- Ralph Breithaupt, BSI (DE),
- Tony Mansfield, NPL (UK)
- Azad Nassor, ANSSI (FR)
- Marino Tapiador, CCN (ES)
- Isabelle Moeller, BI (AU)
- Alexander Nouak, EAB (DE)
The Advisory Board is responsible for matters related to the exploitation as standards of the project’s outputs. It will:
- Maintain an awareness of current and future developments in the area of BEAT;
- Identify opportunities for and risks to the standardization and exploitation of the outputs of the project and, as appropriate address these;
- Ensure that appropriate transfer of the results of the project takes place;
Work Packages
We have identified 9 work packages (WP1 to WP9) covering all the important activities. We provide below a graphical presentation of the components showing their inter-dependencies.
Figure: graphical presentation of the work-packages showing their inter-dependencies
- WP1 (Management) has a straightforward relationship with the others WPs as WP1 is responsible for the overall management of the project
- WP2 (Specification and Design) has links with WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP7 as the specifications and the design will have strong implications on the overall research, development and evaluation during the project as well as on the integration. WP2 will also indirectly provide input for standards (WP6) but also dissemination and exploitation (WP8);
- WP3 (Evaluation of Biometric Performance) will provide base components for WP4 (Evaluation of Vulnerabilities), WP5 (Evaluation of Privacy Preservation), WP7 (Integration and Deployment) and will also contribute to WP6 (Standards and Certification). The outcome of this WP will also be disseminated in WP8;
- WP4 (Evaluation of Vulnerabilities) will directly contribute to WP6 (Standards and Certification) and WP7 (Integration and Deployment), and its outcome disseminated in WP8;
- WP5 (Evaluation of Privacy Preservation) will directly contribute to WP6 (Standards and Certification) and WP7 (Integration and Deployment), and its outcome disseminated in WP8;
- WP6 (Standards and Certification) will develop standards on the evaluation of vulnerabilities and therefore needs input from WP4 (Evaluation of Vulnerabilities) but also from WP7 (Integration and Deployment). Indeed as one of the objective of the BEAT project is to provide independent evaluations for assessing the biometrics performances, the Common Criteria evaluations will certainly use these features;
- WP7 (Integration and Deployment) is responsible for the integration of the BEAT platform and needs inputs from WP2 and all technical work-packages (WP3, WP4 and WP5). As a particularity this WP re-iterates to WP2 to report back and revise the design;
- WP8 (Dissemination and Exploitation) is responsible for the dissemination and exploitation activities during the project;
- WP9 (Legal Aspects of Privacy and Intellectual Property) provides legal guidelines to the project. It will impact all WPs.
Work package leaders
Work package leaders and deliverable responsible for each partner have been assigned. WP leaders are:
- WP1: IDIAP, Sébastien Marcel
- WP2: IDIAP, Sébastien Marcel
- WP3: UAM, Julian Fierrez
- WP4: TUVIT, Nils Tekampe
- WP5: TUBITAK, Cagatay Karabat
- WP6: CEA, Alain Merle
- WP7: IDIAP, Sébastien Marcel
- WP8: MORPHO, Hervé Chabanne
- WP9: KULeuven, Els Kindt
List of deliverables. Some deliverables are public and available for consultation on this web page when they will be completed. The month 1 is March 2012.
Del. n° | Deliverable name | Due date (month) | Due date | Publicly available | Status |
D1.1 | Management Report | 8 | 30.10.12 | No | Approved |
D1.2 | Project Periodic Report | 16 | 30.06.13 | No | Approved |
D1.3 | Management Report | 24 | 28.02.14 | No | Approved |
D1.4 | Project Periodic Report | 32 | 30.10.14 | No | Approved |
D1.5 | Management Report | 40 | 30.06.15 | No | Approved |
D1.6 | Project Periodic Report | 48 | 28.02.16 | No | Approved |
D1.7 | Project Final Report | 48 | 28.02.16 | No | Approved |
D2.1 | Functional specifications | 6 | 30.08.12 | No | Approved |
D2.2 | High-level design | 7 | 30.09.12 | No | Approved |
D2.3 | Application interfaces (front-end API and back-end API) | 10 | 30.12.12 | No | Approved |
D2.4 | System architecture (front-end back-end and hardware) | 11 | 30.01.13 | No | Approved |
D2.5 | Revised application interfaces | 38 | 30.04.15 | No | Approved |
D2.6 | Revised system architecture | 39 | 30.05.15 | No | Approved |
D3.1 | Description of initial reference biometric systems | 5 | 30.07.12 | Yes | Approved |
D3.2 | Description of advanced reference biometric systems | 24 | 28.02.14 | No | Approved |
D3.3 | Description of metrics for the evaluation of biometric performance | 6 | 30.08.12 | Yes | Approved |
D3.4 | Metrics for the evaluation of biometric performance | 19 | 30.09.13 | Yes | Approved |
D3.5 | Advanced metrics for the evaluation of biometric performance | 25 | 30.03.14 | Yes | Approved |
D3.6 | Description of biometric databases and protocols | 9 | 30.11.12 | Yes | Approved |
D3.7 | Biometric databases and protocols | 16 | 30.06.13 | No | Approved |
D4.1 | Description of vulnerabilities to direct (spoofing) attacks | 9 | 30.11.12 | No | Approved |
D4.2 | Description of vulnerabilities to indirect attacks | 6 | 30.08.12 | No | Approved |
D4.3 | Description of reference countermeasures to direct (spoofing) attacks | 24 | 28.02.14 | No | Approved |
D4.4 | Description of reference countermeasures to indirect attacks | 36 | 28.02.15 | No | Approved |
D4.5 | Description of metrics for the evaluation of vulnerabilities to direct attacks | 26 | 30.04.14 | Yes | Approved |
D4.6 | Description of metrics for the evaluation of vulnerabilities to indirect attacks | 12 | 28.02.13 | Yes | Approved |
D4.7 | Description of spoofing methods, toolboxes and test protocols | 30 | 30.08.14 | No | Approved |
D4.8 | Spoofing toolbox | 30 | 30.08.14 | No | Approved |
D5.1 | Description of privacy preservation techniques | 8 | 30.10.12 | Yes | Approved |
D5.2 | Reference privacy preservation system | 16 | 30.06.13 | No | Approved |
D5.3 | Description of advanced privacy preservation techniques | 26 | 30.04.14 | Yes | Approved |
D5.4 | Advanced privacy preservation system | 36 | 28.02.15 | No | Approved |
D5.5 | Description of metrics for the evaluation of privacy preservation | 10 | 30.12.12 | Yes | Approved |
D5.6 | Metrics for the evaluation of privacy preservation | 24 | 28.02.14 | No | Approved |
D6.1 | Planning of standardisation activities | 12 | 28.02.13 | No | Approved |
D6.2 | Standard description of spoofing methods and test protocols | 36 | 28.02.15 | No | Approved |
D6.3 | Standard description of vulnerabilities to indirect attacks | 36 | 28.02.15 | No | Approved |
D6.4 | Interoperable reporting of evaluation results | 28 | 30.06.14 | No | Approved |
D6.5 | Toward Common Criteria evaluations of biometric systems | 48 | 28.02.16 | Yes | Approved |
D7.1 | Prototype of the API | 15 | 30.05.13 | No | Approved |
D7.2 | Prototype of the platform | 17 | 30.07.13 | No | Approved |
D7.3 | Revised prototypes (API and platform) | 35 | 30.01.15 | No | Approved |
D7.4 | Final revised prototype | 42 | 30.08.15 | No | Approved |
D7.5 | Documentation | 44 | 30.10.15 | Yes | Approved |
D7.6 | Public release of the platform | 46 | 30.12.15 | Yes | Approved |
D8.1 | Planning for dissemination activities | 6 | 30.08.12 | Yes | Approved |
D8.2 | Intermediate dissemination activities | 26 | 30.04.14 | Yes | Approved |
D8.3 | Final dissemination activities | 46 | 30.12.15 | Yes | Approved |
D8.4 | Exploitation plans | 6 | 30.08.12 | No | Approved |
D8.5 | Revised exploitation plans | 30 | 30.08.14 | No | Approved |
D8.6 | Report on exploitation activities | 46 | 30.12.15 | No | Approved |
D9.1 | Analysis of the current legal framework | 9 | 30.11.12 | No | Approved |
D9.2 | Guidelines for guaranteeing privacy and data protection compliance of the biometric data | 16 | 30.06.13 | Yes | Approved |
D9.3 | Analysis of the current practices | 36 | 28.02.15 | Yes | Approved |
D9.4 | Guidelines for guaranteeing the Intellectual Property in BEAT |
42 | 30.08.15 | No | Approved |