Technology Transfer Office

Technology transfer is one of Idiap’s three core missions, alongside fundamental research and education.

Idiap is committed to the transfer of knowledge and technology to the business community through active engagement and partnership. Our technology transfer office works in close collaboration with businesses to realize joint research and sponsored development programs in the Institute’s fields of research. From small start-ups to large corporations, we are the ideal partner for avant-garde technology and research.

At Idiap, technology transfer encompasses the process leading technology (software, algorithms, knowledge and expertise) to be transferred from the Institute to an industrial partner or spin-off for the purposes of economic development. This transfer is usually done by granting rights with regard to the commercial exploitation of a technology, in the form of a license. Technology transfer creates economic value out of scientific discoveries. If the concept sounds simple, the path from a technology demonstrator to an industrial product is highly complex. This complexity is partially due to the different aims pursued by researchers and industrial players.

One of the challenges of technology transfer is to facilitate the relationship between the knowledge and skills of the researcher, and the needs of the industrial partner. Idiap has addressed this challenge by creating a multidisciplinary team of research and development engineers dedicated to technology transfer. Another challenge specific to artificial intelligence technologies is linked to the constant creation of new application domains. To facilitate technology transfert towards these new domains, Idiap created Cross-Research Groups (CRG) to foster a multidisciplinary approach.

Idiap's spin-off, IdeArk is an incubator with the mission to enhance Idiap’s technologies and promote the emergence of new start-ups by providing workspace (see OASIS brochure for more information), financing, and mentorship.


See hereafter the services that we are offering for both companies and Idiap employees.

For companies

You are a company, we can help you. Here are some questions or needs you may have:

  • Do you want to discover who we are and what are our activities?
  • Do you want to know how to setup a collaboration with us and what would the terms be (budget, IPR conditions, etc.)?
  • Do you want to benefit from our technologies or patents?
  • Do you discovered about our Master AI training program and you would like to know more about it and understand how it can help your company in developing your AI potential?

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss about it: or +41 27 721 77 22.

For Idiap employees

You are working at Idiap and you have a question related to technology transfer, we can help you. Here are some questions or needs you may have:

  • You have been contacted by a company interested in your or your group's competencies and you would like to know how to setup this new collaboration?
  • You are running an industrial project (Innosuisse / TheArk / service agreement / etc.) and you need help or advice?
  • You have developed a software and you need information regarding how to license it?
  • You just had a great idea and you would like to explore its potential for a patent application?
  • You would be interested to create your own startup, but you don’t know where to begin?
  • You want to develop your skills for entrepreneurship or technology transfer activities?

Don't wait any longer and visit us (office 409). We will be happy to help you.