Press Coverage
Thanks to our researchers and their activities, the Institute is able to have a regular presence in various local, national, and international media. Dedicated research projects can have a significant media impact as illustrated by the SNSF Agora project in collaboration with the Musée de la main. Beyond the direct impact thanks to visitors at the museum, the exhibition attracted a significant media attention in Switzerland:
Swiss national radio RTS La Première met with our colleague Michael Liebling the newscast.
Both national TV RTS1 and Vaud’s local TV La Télé visited and featured the exhibition.
Creating the buzz
Another approach to media relationships for Idiap is to use media buzz when possible. For example, the institute took advantage of the media frenziness around ChatGPT, our researchers organized a dedicated workshop on March 10th 2023. Local TV Canal 9 covered the meeting. This media savvy perspective also enabled the institute to position itself on various occasions. In the midst of the energy crisis, specialized media noticed Idiap’s cutting-edge scientific publication about a new kind of machine learning algorithms. It was featured on the specialized US based website Marktechpost in March 2022.
Idiap is also able to create the buzz around its own work. It was the case with Idiap’s raclette-making robot participation at the CES in Las Vegas in January 2020. The robot attracted an international coverage ranging from the French national TV France 3 to broad audience online venues such as It also allowed the institute to be featured on German speaking Swiss national media, such as the Blick newspaper. The effect was long lasting as some media, such as the renowned general audience online French media Creapills, mentioned the robot even by the end of 2022.
The world leadership of the institute in domains like biometrics is also a key element of Idiap’s media coverage on numerous stages:
Internationally, the institute is even featured in Australia on ABC.
The international French-speaking journal Le Temps highlighted our contribution under the title “How Martigny is influencing phones all over the world”. This catchy title puts under the spotlights the standard-creating activities of our biometrics research.
Local impact
Finally yet importantly, Idiap’s reputation is built in the media in a long-term PR effort to highlight the institute as a whole, especially on the Swiss stage. Idiap was featured in this perspective in several significant media, such as:
In the “Idiap, Switzerland’s unknown technological gem” article by the international French speaking journal Le Temps in August 2019, or
In the video created by Swissinfo in February 2022, Switzerland’s news outlet supported by the government and translated in numerous languages.
This message is also crafted to reach various audiences, such as economical actors reading magazines like Bilan, which mentioned Idiap’s AI technologies applied to human resources.