Executing Baseline Algorithms

The first thing you might want to do is to execute one of the baseline face recognition algorithms that are implemented in bob.bio.

Setting up your Database

As mentioned in the documentation of bob.bio.base, the image databases are not included in this package, so you have to download them. For example, you can easily download the images of the AT&T database, for links to other utilizable image databases please read the Databases section.

By default, bob.bio does not know, where the images are located. Hence, before running experiments you have to specify the image database directories. How this is done is explained in more detail in the Installation Instructions.

Running Baseline Experiments

To run the baseline experiments, you can use the ./bin/baselines.py script by just going to the console and typing:

$ ./bin/baselines.py

This script is a simple wrapper for the ./bin/verify.py script that is explained in more detail in Running Biometric Recognition Experiments. The ./bin/baselines.py --help option shows you, which other options you have. Here is an almost complete extract:

  • --database: The database and protocol you want to use. By default this is set to the image database atnt.
  • --algorithms: The recognition algorithms that you want to execute. By default, only the eigenface algorithm is executed.
  • --all: Execute all algorithms that are implemented.
  • --temp-directory: The directory where temporary files of the experiments are put to.
  • --result-directory: The directory where resulting score files of the experiments are put to.
  • --evaluate: After running the experiments, the resulting score files will be evaluated, and the result is written to console.
  • --dry-run: Instead of executing the algorithm (or the evaluation), only print the command that would have been executed.
  • --verbose: Increase the verbosity level of the script. By default, only the commands that are executed are printed, and the rest of the calculation runs quietly. You can increase the verbosity by adding the --verbose parameter repeatedly (up to three times).

Usually it is a good idea to have at least verbose level 2 (i.e., calling ./bin/baselines.py --verbose --verbose, or the short version ./bin/baselines.py -vv).

Running in Parallel

To run the experiments in parallel, as usual you can define an SGE grid configuration, or run with parallel threads on the local machine. For the ./bin/baselines.py script, the grid configuration is adapted to each of the algorithms. Hence, to run in the SGE grid, you can simply add the --grid command line option, without parameters. Similarly, to run the experiments in parallel on the local machine, simply add a --parallel <N> option, where <N> specifies the number of parallel jobs you want to execute.

When running the algorithms from the bob.bio.gmm package in parallel, the specialized scripts are executed. This will speed up the training of the UBM (and possible additional steps) tremendously.

The Algorithms

The algorithms present an (incomplete) set of state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms. Here is the list of short-cuts:


The plda algorithm is currently under construction and the setup is not yet useful.

Further algorithms are available, when the bob.bio.gmm package is installed:


The ivector algorithm needs a lot of training data and fails on small databases such as the AT&T database.

Additionally, the following algorithms can be executed, when the bob.bio.csu package is installed.


The lrpca and lda-ir algorithms require hand-labeled eye locations. Therefore, they can not be run on the default atnt database.

Baseline Results

To evaluate the results, a wrapper call to ./bin/evaluate.py is produced by the ./bin/baselines.py --evaluate command. Several types of evaluation can be achieved, see Evaluating Experiments for details. Particularly, here we can enable ROC curves, DET plots, CMC curves and the computation of EER/HTER. Hence, the complete set of results of the baseline experiments are generated using:

$ ./bin/baselines.py --all -vv --evaluate ROC DET CMC HTER

If you specified other parameters for the execution of the algorithms, e.g., the --directory flag, you have to add these options here as well. If you ran only a sub-set of the available, the missing algorithms will just be skipped. The resulting files will be ROC.pdf, DET.pdf and CMC.pdf, and the HTER results are simply written to console.

For the AT&T database the results should be as follows:

_images/ROC.png _images/DET.png _images/CMC.png
The HTER results of the baseline algorithms on the AT&T database
eigenface lda gaborgraph lgbphs gmm isv plda bic
8.368% 9.763% 4.579% 8.500% 0.684% 0.421% 7.921% 3.526%


The results for gmm and isv were run with the parallelized scripts. Though the results obtained with the sequential script should be similar, it might be that they are not identical.


The lrpca and lda-ir algorithms require hand-labeled eye positions to run. Since the AT&T database does not provide eye positions, it is not possible to provide baseline results on AT&T for these two algorithms.