Tools implemented in


Image Preprocessors

Image Feature Extractors

Face Recognition Algorithms


class, color_channel='gray')[source]


Performs color space adaptations and data type corrections for the given image.


dtype : numpy.dtype or convertible or None
The data type that the resulting image will have.
color_channel : one of ('gray', 'red', 'gren', 'blue')
The specific color channel, which should be extracted from the image.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → image[source]

Extracts the desired color channel and converts to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to preprocess.
annotations : any


image : 2D numpy.ndarray
The image converted converted to the desired color channel and type.
color_channel(image) → channel[source]

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
data_type(image) → image[source]

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, cropped_positions, fixed_positions=None, mask_sigma=None, mask_neighbors=5, mask_seed=None, **kwargs)[source]


Crops the face according to the given annotations.

This class is designed to perform a geometric normalization of the face based on the eye locations, using bob.ip.base.FaceEyesNorm. Usually, when executing the crop_face() function, the image and the eye locations have to be specified. There, the given image will be transformed such that the eye locations will be placed at specific locations in the resulting image. These locations, as well as the size of the cropped image, need to be specified in the constructor of this class, as cropped_positions and cropped_image_size.

Some image databases do not provide eye locations, but rather bounding boxes. This is not a problem at all. Simply define the coordinates, where you want your cropped_positions to be in the cropped image, by specifying the same keys in the dictionary that will be given as annotations to the face_crop() function.

Sometimes, databases provide pre-cropped faces, where the eyes are located at (almost) the same position in all images. Usually, the cropping does not conform with the cropping that you like (i.e., image resolution is wrong, or too much background information). However, the database does not provide eye locations (since they are almost identical for all images). In that case, you can specify the fixed_positions in the constructor, which will be taken instead of the annotations inside the crop_face() function (in which case the annotations are ignored).

Sometimes, the crop of the face is outside of the original image boundaries. Usually, these pixels will simply be left black, resulting in sharp edges in the image. However, some feature extractors do not like these sharp edges. In this case, you can set the mask_sigma to copy pixels from the valid border of the image and add random noise (see bob.ip.base.extrapolate_mask()).


cropped_image_size : (int, int)
The size of the resulting cropped images.
cropped_positions : dict
The coordinates in the cropped image, where the annotated points should be put to. This parameter is a dictionary with usually two elements, e.g., {'reye':(RIGHT_EYE_Y, RIGHT_EYE_X) , 'leye':(LEFT_EYE_Y, LEFT_EYE_X)}. However, also other parameters, such as {'topleft' : ..., 'bottomright' : ...} are supported, as long as the annotations in the __call__() function are present.
fixed_positions : dict or None
If specified, ignore the annotations from the database and use these fixed positions throughout.
mask_sigma : float or None
Fill the area outside of image boundaries with random pixels from the border, by adding noise to the pixel values. To disable extrapolation, set this value to None. To disable adding random noise, set it to a negative value or 0.
mask_neighbors : int
The number of neighbors used during mask extrapolation. See bob.ip.base.extrapolate_mask() for details.
mask_seed : int or None

The random seed to apply for mask extrapolation.


When run in parallel, the same random seed will be applied to all parallel processes. Hence, results of parallel execution will differ from the results in serial execution.

Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the given annotations.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is cropped, according to the given annotations (or to fixed_positions, see crop_face()). Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
crop_face(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Executes the face cropping on the given image and returns the cropped version of it.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image. None is only accepted, when fixed_positions were specified in the constructor.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray (float)
The cropped face.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, cascade=None, use_flandmark=False, detection_overlap=0.2, distance=2, scale_base=0.9576032806985737, lowest_scale=0.125, **kwargs)[source]


Performs a face detection (and facial landmark localization) in the given image and crops the face.

This class is designed to perform a geometric normalization of the face based on the detected face. Face detection is performed using bob.ip.facedetect. Particularly, the function bob.ip.facedetect.detect_single_face() is executed, which will always return exactly one bounding box, even if the image contains more than one face, or no face at all. The speed of the face detector can be regulated using the cascade, distance` ``scale_base and lowest_scale parameters. The number of overlapping detected bounding boxes that should be joined can be selected by detection_overlap. Please see the documentation of bob.ip.facedetect for more details about these parameters.

Additionally, facial landmarks can be detected using the Python Bindings to the Flandmark Keypoint Localizer for Frontal Faces. If enabled using use_flandmark = True in the constructor, it is tried to obtain the facial landmarks inside the detected facial area. If landmarks are found, these are used to geometrically normalize the face. Otherwise, the eye locations are estimated based on the bounding box. This is also applied, when use_flandmark = False.

The face cropping itself is done by the given face_cropper. This cropper can either be an instance of FaceCrop (or any other class that provides a similar crop_face function), or it can be the resource name of a face cropper, such as 'face-crop-eyes'.


face_cropper : or str
The face cropper to be used to crop the detected face. Might be an instance of a FaceCrop or the name of a face cropper resource.
cascade : str or None
The file name, where a face detector cascade can be found. If None, the default cascade for frontal faces bob.ip.facedetect.default_cascade() is used.
use_flandmark : bool
If selected, bob.ip.flandmark.Flandmark is used to detect the eye locations. Otherwise, the eye locations are estimated based on the detected bounding box.
detection_overlap : float
See bob.ip.facedetect.detect_single_face().
distance : int
See the Sampling section in the Users Guide of bob.ip.facedetect.
scale_base : float
See the Sampling section in the Users Guide of bob.ip.facedetect.
lowest_scale : float
See the Sampling section in the Users Guide of bob.ip.facedetect.
Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the detected face bounding box or the detected facial features.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is detected and cropped, see crop_face(). Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : any


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
crop_face(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Detects the face (and facial landmarks), and used the face_cropper given in the constructor to crop the face.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : any


face : 2D numpy.ndarray (float)
The detected and cropped face.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, **kwargs)[source]


Crops the face (if desired) and performs histogram equalization to photometrically enhance the image.


face_cropper : str or or or None

The face image cropper that should be applied to the image. If None is selected, no face cropping is performed. Otherwise, the face cropper might be specified as a registered resource, a configuration file, or an instance of a preprocessor.


The given class needs to contain a crop_face method.

Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the given annotations.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is eventually cropped using the face_cropper specified in the constructor. Then, the image is photometrically enhanced using histogram equalization. Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image. Might be None, when the face_cropper is None or of type FaceDetect.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped and photometrically enhanced face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
equalize_histogram(image) → equalized[source]

Performs the histogram equalization on the given image.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray
The image to berform histogram equalization with. The image will be transformed to type uint8 before computing the histogram.


equalized : 2D numpy.ndarray (float)
The photometrically enhanced image.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, radius=2, is_circular=True, compare_to_average=False, elbp_type='regular', **kwargs)[source]


Performs I-Norm LBP on the given image

Parameters of the constructor of this preprocessor:

face_cropper : str or or or None

The face image cropper that should be applied to the image. It might be specified as a registered resource, a configuration file, or an instance of a preprocessor.


The given class needs to contain a crop_face method.

radius : int
The radius of the LBP features to extract
is_circular : bool
Whether to extract circular LBP features, or square features
compare_to_average : bool
Compare to the average value of all pixels, or to the central one
elbp_type : str
The way, LBP features are extracted, see bob.ip.base.LBP for more details.
Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the given annotations.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is eventually cropped using the face_cropper specified in the constructor. Then, the image is photometrically enhanced by extracting LBP features [HRM06]. Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image. Might be None, when the face_cropper is None or of type FaceDetect.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped and photometrically enhanced face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, sigma=1.4142135623730951, **kwargs)[source]


Crops the face (if desired) and applies self quotient image algorithm [WLW04] to photometrically enhance the image.


face_cropper : str or or or None

The face image cropper that should be applied to the image. If None is selected, no face cropping is performed. Otherwise, the face cropper might be specified as a registered resource, a configuration file, or an instance of a preprocessor.


The given class needs to contain a crop_face method.

sigma : float
Please refer to the [WLW04] original paper (see bob.ip.base.SelfQuotientImage documentation).
Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the given annotations.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is eventually cropped using the face_cropper specified in the constructor. Then, the image is photometrically enhanced using the self quotient image algorithm [WLW04]. Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image. Might be None, when the face_cropper is None or of type FaceDetect.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped and photometrically enhanced face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, gamma=0.2, sigma0=1, sigma1=2, size=5, threshold=10.0, alpha=0.1, **kwargs)[source]


Crops the face (if desired) and applies Tan&Triggs algorithm [TT10] to photometrically enhance the image.


face_cropper : str or or or None

The face image cropper that should be applied to the image. If None is selected, no face cropping is performed. Otherwise, the face cropper might be specified as a registered resource, a configuration file, or an instance of a preprocessor.


The given class needs to contain a crop_face method.

gamma, sigma0, sigma1, size, threshold, alpha
Please refer to the [TT10] original paper (see bob.ip.base.TanTriggs documentation).
Remaining keyword parameters passed to the Base constructor, such as color_channel or dtype.
__call__(image, annotations = None) → face[source]

Aligns the given image according to the given annotations.

First, the desired color channel is extracted from the given image. Afterward, the face is eventually cropped using the face_cropper specified in the constructor. Then, the image is photometrically enhanced using the Tan&Triggs algorithm [TT10]. Finally, the resulting face is converted to the desired data type.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The face image to be processed.
annotations : dict or None
The annotations that fit to the given image. Might be None, when the face_cropper is None or of type FaceDetect.


face : 2D numpy.ndarray
The cropped and photometrically enhanced face.
color_channel(image) → channel

Returns the channel of the given image, which was selected in the constructor. Currently, gray, red, green and blue channels are supported.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to get the specified channel from.


channel : 2D numpy.ndarray
The extracted color channel.
data_type(image) → image

Converts the given image into the data type specified in the constructor of this class. If no data type was specified, no conversion is performed.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image to convert.


image : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray
The image converted to the desired data type, if any.
read_data(data_file) → data

Reads the preprocessed data from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


data_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The preprocessed data read from file.
read_original_data(original_file_name) → data

Reads the original data (usually something like an image) from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


original_file_name : str
The file name to read the original data from.


data : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The original data read from file.
write_data(data, data_file)

Writes the given preprocessed data to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format (e.g. not images), please overwrite this function.


data : object
The preprocessed data, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
data_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.


class, block_overlap=11, number_of_dct_coefficients=45, normalize_blocks=True, normalize_dcts=True, auto_reduce_coefficients=False)[source]


Extracts Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) features from (overlapping) image blocks. These features are based on the bob.ip.base.DCTFeatures class. The default parametrization is the one that performed best on the BANCA database in [WMM+11].

Usually, these features are used in combination with the algorithms defined in However, you can try to use them with other algorithms.


block_size : int or (int, int)
The size of the blocks that will be extracted. This parameter might be either a single integral value, or a pair (block_height, block_width) of integral values.
block_overlap : int or (int, int)
The overlap of the blocks in vertical and horizontal direction. This parameter might be either a single integral value, or a pair (block_overlap_y, block_overlap_x) of integral values. It needs to be smaller than the block_size.
number_of_dct_coefficients : int
The number of DCT coefficients to use. The actual number will be one less since the first DCT coefficient (which should be 0, if normalization is used) will be removed.
normalize_blocks : bool
Normalize the values of the blocks to zero mean and unit standard deviation before extracting DCT coefficients.
normalize_dcts : bool
Normalize the values of the DCT components to zero mean and unit standard deviation. Default is True.
__call__(image) → feature[source]

Computes and returns DCT blocks for the given input image.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The image to extract the features from.


feature : 2D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The extracted DCT features for all blocks inside the image. The first index is the block index, while the second index is the DCT coefficient.

Reads the extracted feature from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


feature_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


feature : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The feature read from file.
write_feature(feature, feature_file)

Writes the given extracted feature to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format, please overwrite this function.


feature : object
The extracted feature, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
feature_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.


Performs a principal component analysis (PCA) on the given data.

This algorithm computes a PCA projection (bob.learn.linear.PCATrainer) on the given training images, and projects the images into face space. In opposition to, here the eigenfces are used as features, i.e., to apply advanced face recognition algorithms on top of them.


subspace_dimension : int or float
If specified as int, defines the number of eigenvectors used in the PCA projection matrix. If specified as float (between 0 and 1), the number of eigenvectors is calculated such that the given percentage of variance is kept.
kwargs : key=value pairs
A list of keyword arguments directly passed to the base class constructor.
__call__(image) → feature[source]

Projects the given image using the stored covariance matrix.

Beforehand, the image is turned into a 1D pixel vector.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The image to extract the eigenface feature from.


feature : 1D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The extracted eigenface feature.

Reads the PCA projection matrix from file.


extractor_file : str
An existing file, from which the PCA projection matrix are read.

Reads the extracted feature from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


feature_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


feature : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The feature read from file.
train(training_images, extractor_file)[source]

Generates the PCA covariance matrix and writes it into the given extractor_file.

Beforehand, all images are turned into a 1D pixel vector.


training_images : [2D numpy.ndarray]
A list of 2D training images to train the PCA projection matrix with.
extractor_file : str
A writable file, into which the PCA projection matrix (as a bob.learn.linear.Machine) will be written.
write_feature(feature, feature_file)

Writes the given extracted feature to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format, please overwrite this function.


feature : object
The extracted feature, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
feature_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.
class, gabor_scales=5, gabor_sigma=6.283185307179586, gabor_maximum_frequency=1.5707963267948966, gabor_frequency_step=0.7071067811865476, gabor_power_of_k=0, gabor_dc_free=True, normalize_gabor_jets=True, eyes=None, nodes_between_eyes=4, nodes_along_eyes=2, nodes_above_eyes=3, nodes_below_eyes=7, node_distance=None, first_node=None)[source]


Extracts Gabor jets in a grid structure [GHW12] using functionalities from bob.ip.gabor.

The grid can be either aligned to the eye locations (in which case the grid might be rotated), or a fixed grid graph can be extracted.

In the first case, the eye locations in the aligned image need to be provided. Additionally, the number of node between, along, above and below the eyes need to be specified.

In the second case, a regular grid graph is created, by specifying the distance between two nodes. Additionally, the coordinate of the first node can be provided, which otherwise is calculated to evenly fill the whole image with nodes.


gabor_directions, gabor_scales, gabor_sigma, gabor_maximum_frequency, gabor_frequency_step, gabor_power_of_k, gabor_dc_free
The parameters of the Gabor wavelet family, with its default values set as given in [WFK97]. Please refer to bob.ip.gabor.Transform for the documentation of these values.
normalize_gabor_jets : bool
Perform Gabor jet normalization during extraction?
eyes : dict or None
If specified, the grid setup will be aligned to the eye positions {‘reye’ : (re_y, re_x), ‘leye’ : (le_y, le_x)}. Otherwise a regular grid graph will be extracted.
nodes_between_eyes, nodes_along_eyes, nodes_above_eyes, nodes_below_eyes : int
Only used when eyes is not None. The number of nodes to be placed between, along, above or below the eyes. The final number of nodes will be: (above + below + 1) \times (between + 2*along + 2).
node_distance : (int, int)
Only used when eyes is None. The distance between two nodes in the regular grid graph.
first_node : (int, int) or None
Only used when eyes is None. If None, it is calculated automatically to equally cover the whole image.
__call__(image) → feature[source]

Returns a list of Gabor jets extracted from the given image.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The image to extract the features from.


feature : [bob.ip.gabor.Jet]
The list of Gabor jets extracted from the image. The 2D location of the jet’s nodes is not returned.
read_feature(feature_file) → feature[source]

Reads the feature written by the write_feature() function from the given file.


feature_file : str or
The name of the file or the file opened for reading.


feature : [bob.ip.gabor.Jet]
The list of Gabor jets read from file.
write_feature(feature, feature_file)[source]

Writes the feature extracted by the __call__() function to the given file.


feature : [bob.ip.gabor.Jet]
The list of Gabor jets extracted from the image.
feature_file : str or
The name of the file or the file opened for writing.
class, block_overlap=0, gabor_directions=8, gabor_scales=5, gabor_sigma=6.283185307179586, gabor_maximum_frequency=1.5707963267948966, gabor_frequency_step=0.7071067811865476, gabor_power_of_k=0, gabor_dc_free=True, use_gabor_phases=False, lbp_radius=2, lbp_neighbor_count=8, lbp_uniform=True, lbp_circular=True, lbp_rotation_invariant=False, lbp_compare_to_average=False, lbp_add_average=False, sparse_histogram=False, split_histogram=None)[source]


Extracts Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequences (LGBPHS) [ZSG+05] from the images, using functionality from bob.ip.base and bob.ip.gabor.

The block size and the overlap of the blocks can be varied, as well as the parameters of the Gabor wavelet (bob.ip.gabor.Transform) and the LBP extractor (bob.ip.base.LBP).


block_size : int or (int, int)
The size of the blocks that will be extracted. This parameter might be either a single integral value, or a pair (block_height, block_width) of integral values.
block_overlap : int or (int, int)
The overlap of the blocks in vertical and horizontal direction. This parameter might be either a single integral value, or a pair (block_overlap_y, block_overlap_x) of integral values. It needs to be smaller than the block_size.
gabor_directions, gabor_scales, gabor_sigma, gabor_maximum_frequency, gabor_frequency_step, gabor_power_of_k, gabor_dc_free
The parameters of the Gabor wavelet family, with its default values set as given in [WFK97]. Please refer to bob.ip.gabor.Transform for the documentation of these values.
use_gabor_phases : bool
Extract also the Gabor phases (inline) and not only the absolute values. In this case, Extended LGBPHS features [ZSQ+09] will be extracted.
lbp_radius, lbp_neighbor_count, lbp_uniform, lbp_circular, lbp_rotation_invariant, lbp_compare_to_average, lbp_add_average

The parameters of the LBP. Please see bob.ip.base.LBP for the documentation of these values.


The default values are as given in [ZSG+05] (the values of [ZSQ+09] might differ).

sparse_histogram : bool

If specified, the histograms will be handled in a sparse way. This reduces the size of the extracted features, but the computation will take longer.


Sparse histograms are only supported, when split_histogram = None.

split_histogram : one of ('blocks', 'wavelets', 'both') or None
Defines, how the histogram sequence is split. This could be interesting, if the histograms should be used in another way as simply concatenating them into a single histogram sequence (the default).
__call__(image) → feature[source]

Extracts the local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence from the given image.


image : 2D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The image to extract the features from.


feature : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray (floats)
The list of Gabor jets extracted from the image. The 2D location of the jet’s nodes is not returned.

Reads the extracted feature from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that. If you have different format, please overwrite this function.


feature_file : str or
The file open for reading or the name of the file to read from.


feature : object (usually numpy.ndarray)
The feature read from file.
write_feature(feature, feature_file)

Writes the given extracted feature to a file with the given name. In this base class implementation, we simply use for that. If you have a different format, please overwrite this function.


feature : object
The extracted feature, i.e., what is returned from __call__().
feature_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the name of the file to write.


class, multiple_feature_scoring='max_jet', gabor_directions=8, gabor_scales=5, gabor_sigma=6.283185307179586, gabor_maximum_frequency=1.5707963267948966, gabor_frequency_step=0.7071067811865476, gabor_power_of_k=0, gabor_dc_free=True)[source]


Computes a comparison of lists of Gabor jets using a similarity function of bob.ip.gabor.Similarity.

The model enrollment simply stores all extracted Gabor jets for all enrollment features. By default (i.e., multiple_feature_scoring = 'max_jet'), the scoring uses an advanced local strategy. For each node, the similarity between the given probe jet and all model jets is computed, and only the highest value is kept. These values are finally averaged over all node positions. Other strategies can be obtained using a different multiple_feature_scoring.


gabor_jet_similarity_type : str:
The type of Gabor jet similarity to compute. Please refer to the documentation of bob.ip.gabor.Similarity for a list of possible values.
multiple_feature_scoring : str

How to fuse the local similarities into a single similarity value. Possible values are:

  • 'average_model' : During enrollment, an average model is computed using functionality of bob.ip.gabor.
  • 'average' : For each node, the average similarity is computed. Finally, the average of those similarities is returned.
  • 'min_jet', 'max_jet', 'med_jet' : For each node, the minimum, maximum or median similarity is computed. Finally, the average of those similarities is returned.
  • 'min_graph', 'max_graph', 'med_graph' : For each node, the average similarity is computed. Finally, the minimum, maximum or median of those similarities is returned.
gabor_directions, gabor_scales, gabor_sigma, gabor_maximum_frequency, gabor_frequency_step, gabor_power_of_k, gabor_dc_free
These parameters are required by the disparity-based Gabor jet similarity functions, see bob.ip.gabor.Similarity.. The default values are identical to the ones in the Please assure that this class and the class get the same configuration, otherwise unexpected things might happen.
enroll(enroll_features) → model[source]

Enrolls the model using one of several strategies. Commonly, the bunch graph strategy [WFK97] is applied, by storing several Gabor jets for each node.

When multiple_feature_scoring = 'average_model', for each node the average bob.ip.gabor.Jet is computed. Otherwise, all enrollment jets are stored, grouped by node.


enroll_features : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The list of enrollment features. Each sub-list contains a full graph.


model : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The enrolled model. Each sub-list contains a list of jets, which correspond to the same node. When multiple_feature_scoring = 'average_model' each sub-list contains a single bob.ip.gabor.Jet.
read_model(model_file) → model[source]

Reads the model written by the write_model() function from the given file.


model_file : str or
The name of the file or the file opened for reading.


model : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The list of Gabor jets read from file.
read_probe(probe_file) → probe[source]

Reads the probe file, e.g., as written by the function from the given file.


probe_file : str or
The name of the file or the file opened for reading.


probe : [bob.ip.gabor.Jet]
The list of Gabor jets read from file.
score(model, probe) → score[source]

Computes the score of the probe and the model using the desired Gabor jet similarity function and the desired score fusion strategy.


model : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The model enrolled by the enroll() function.
probe : [bob.ip.gabor.Jet]
The probe read by the read_probe() function.


score : float
The fused similarity score.
score_for_multiple_probes(model, probes)[source]

score(model, probes) -> score

This function computes the score between the given model graph(s) and several given probe graphs. The same local scoring strategy as for several model jets is applied, but this time the local scoring strategy is applied between all graphs from the model and probes.


model : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The model enrolled by the enroll() function. The sub-lists are groups by nodes.
probes : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
A list of probe graphs. The sub-lists are groups by graph.


score : float
The fused similarity score.
write_model(model, model_file)[source]

Writes the model enrolled by the enroll() function to the given file.


model : [[bob.ip.gabor.Jet]]
The enrolled model.
model_file : str or
The name of the file or the file opened for writing.
class<built-in function chi_square>, is_distance_function=True, multiple_probe_scoring='average')[source]


Computes the distance between histogram sequences.

Both sparse and non-sparse representations of histograms are supported. For enrollment, to date only the averaging of histograms is implemented.


distance_function : function
The function to be used to compare two histograms. This function should accept sparse histograms.
is_distance_function : bool
Is the given distance_function distance function (lower values are better) or a similarity function (higher values are better)?
multiple_probe_scoring : str or None
The way, scores are fused when multiple probes are available. See for possible values.
enroll(enroll_features) → model[source]

Enrolls a model by taking the average of all histograms.

enroll_features : [1D or 2D numpy.ndarray]
The histograms that should be averaged. Histograms can be specified sparse (2D) or non-sparse (1D)


model : 1D or 2D numpy.ndarray
The averaged histogram, sparse (2D) or non-sparse (1D).
read_model(model_file) → model

Loads the enrolled model from file. In this base class implementation, it uses to do that.

If you have a different format, please overwrite this function.


model_file : str or
The file open for reading, or the file name to read from.


model : object
The model that was read from file.
read_probe(probe_file) → probe[source]

Reads the probe feature from the given file.


probe_file : str or
The file (open for reading) or the name of an existing file to read from.


probe : 1D or 2D numpy.ndarray
The probe read by the read_probe() function.
score(model, probe) → score[source]

Computes the score of the probe and the model using the desired histogram distance function. The resulting score is the negative distance, if is_distance_function = True. Both sparse and non-sparse models and probes are accepted, but their sparseness must agree.


model : 1D or 2D numpy.ndarray
The model enrolled by the enroll() function.
probe : 1D or 2D numpy.ndarray
The probe read by the read_probe() function.


score : float
The resulting similarity score.
score_for_multiple_probes(model, probes) → score

This function computes the score between the given model and the given probe files. In this base class implementation, it computes the scores for each probe file using the score() method, and fuses the scores using the fusion method specified in the constructor of this class.


model : object
A model object to compare the probes with.
probes : [object]
The list of probe object to compare the models with.


score : float
The fused similarity between the given model and the probes.
write_model(model, model_file)

Writes the enrolled model to the given file. In this base class implementation:

  • If the given model has a ‘save’ attribute, it calls, 'w'). In this case, the given model_file might be either a file name or a
  • Otherwise, it uses to do that.

If you have a different format, please overwrite this function.


model : object
A model as returned by the enroll() function, which should be written.
model_file : str or
The file open for writing, or the file name to write to.