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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# coding=utf-8
4"""Various functions for performance assessment
6Most of these were imported from older C++ implementations.
9import logging
11from functools import wraps
13import numpy
14import numpy.linalg
16from numba import jit, objmode
18logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
21def _lists_to_arrays(*args, **kwargs):
22 ret, retkw = list(), dict()
23 for v in args:
24 ret.append(numpy.asarray(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v)
25 for k, v in kwargs.items():
26 retkw[k] = numpy.asarray(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v
27 return ret, retkw
30def array_jit(func):
31 jit_func = jit(func, nopython=True)
33 @wraps(jit_func)
34 def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
35 args, kwargs = _lists_to_arrays(*args, **kwargs)
36 return jit_func(*args, **kwargs)
38 new_func.jit_func = jit_func
39 return new_func
43def _log_values(points, min_power):
44 """Computes log-scaled values between :math:`10^\text{min_power}` and 1
46 Parameters
47 ==========
49 points : int
50 Number of points to consider
52 min_power : int
53 Negative integer with the minimum power
56 Returns
57 =======
59 logscale : numpy.ndarray (float, 1D)
61 A set of numbers forming a logarithm-based scale between
62 :math:`10^\text{min_power}` and 1.
64 """
65 return 10 ** (numpy.arange(1 - points, 1) / int(points / (-min_power)))
69def _meaningful_thresholds(negatives, positives, points, min_far, is_sorted):
70 """Returns non-repeatitive thresholds to generate ROC curves
72 This function creates a list of FAR (and FRR) values that we are
73 interesting to see on the curve. Computes thresholds for those points.
74 Sorts the thresholds so we get sorted numbers to plot on the curve and
75 returns the thresholds. Some points will be duplicate but in terms of
76 resolution and accuracy this is better than just changing the threshold
77 from ``min()`` of scores to ``max()`` of scores with equal spaces.
80 Parameters
81 ==========
83 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
85 The negative and positive scores, for which the meaningful threshold
86 will be calculated.
88 n_points : int
90 The number of points, in which the ROC curve are calculated, which are
91 distributed uniformly in the range ``[min(negatives, positives),
92 max(negatives, positives)]``
94 min_far : int
96 Minimum FAR in terms of :math:`10^(\text{min_far}`. This value is also
97 used for ``min_frr``. Values should be negative.
100 is_sorted : bool
102 Set this to ``True`` if both sets of scores are already sorted in
103 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
104 will require more memory.
107 Returns
108 =======
110 thresholds : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
112 The "meaningful" thresholds that would cause changes in the ROC.
114 """
116 half_points = points // 2
118 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
119 neg = negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(negatives)
120 pos = positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(positives)
122 frr_list = _log_values(half_points, min_far)
123 far_list = _log_values(points - half_points, min_far)
125 t = numpy.zeros((points,))
126 t[:half_points] = [_jit_frr_threshold(neg, pos, k, True) for k in frr_list]
127 t[half_points:] = [_jit_far_threshold(neg, pos, k, True) for k in far_list]
129 t.sort()
131 return t
134def correctly_classified_negatives(negatives, threshold):
135 """Evaluates correctly classifed negatives in a set, based on a threshold
137 This method returns an array composed of booleans that pin-point, which
138 negatives where correctly classified for the given threshold
140 The pseudo-code for this function is:
142 .. code-block:: python
144 classified = []
145 for k in negatives:
146 if k < threshold:
147 classified.append(True)
148 else:
149 classified.append(False)
152 Parameters
153 ==========
155 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
157 The scores generated by comparing objects of different classes
159 threshold : float
161 The threshold, for which scores should be considered to be
162 correctly classified
165 Returns
166 =======
168 classified : numpy.ndarray (1D, bool)
170 The decision for each of the ``negatives``
172 """
173 return negatives < threshold
176def correctly_classified_positives(positives, threshold):
177 """Evaluates correctly classifed positives in a set, based on a threshold
179 This method returns an array composed of booleans that pin-point, which
180 positives where correctly classified for the given threshold
182 The pseudo-code for this function is:
184 .. code-block:: python
186 classified = []
187 for k in positives:
188 if k >= threshold:
189 classified.append(True)
190 else:
191 classified.append(False)
194 Parameters
195 ==========
197 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
199 The scores generated by comparing objects of different classes
201 threshold : float
203 The threshold, for which scores should be considered to be
204 correctly classified
207 Returns
208 =======
210 classified : numpy.ndarray (1D, bool)
212 The decision for each of the ``positives``
214 """
215 return positives >= threshold
218def det(negatives, positives, n_points, min_far=-8):
219 """Calculates points of an Detection Error-Tradeoff (DET) curve
221 Calculates the DET curve given a set of negative and positive scores and a
222 desired number of points. Returns a two-dimensional array of doubles that
223 express on its rows:
225 You can plot the results using your preferred tool to first create a plot
226 using rows 0 and 1 from the returned value and then replace the X/Y axis
227 annotation using a pre-determined set of tickmarks as recommended by NIST.
228 The derivative scales are computed with the :py:func:`ppndf` function.
231 Parameters
232 ==========
234 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
236 The list of negative and positive scores to compute the DET for
238 n_points : int
240 The number of points on the DET curve, for which the DET should be
241 evaluated
243 min_far : :class:`int`, Optional
245 Minimum FAR in terms of :math:`10^\text{min_far}`. This value is also
246 used for ``min_frr``. Values should be negative.
249 Returns
250 =======
252 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
254 The DET curve, with the FPR in the first and the FNR in the second
255 row:
257 0. X axis values in the normal deviate scale for the false-accepts
258 1. Y axis values in the normal deviate scale for the false-rejections
260 """
261 return ppndf(roc(negatives, positives, n_points, min_far))
264def pavx_1(y, ghat, index, len):
265 """Calculates the pavx_1 function
267 Calculates the pavx_1 function given a set of negative and positive scores
268 and a desired number of points. Returns a two-dimensional array of doubles
269 that express on its rows:
271 You can plot the results using your preferred tool to first create a plot
272 using rows 0 and 1 from the returned value and then replace the X/Y axis
273 annotation using a pre-determined set of tickmarks as recommended by NIST.
274 The derivative scales are computed with the :py:func:`ppndf` function.
277 Parameters
278 ==========
280 y : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
282 The list of negative and positive scores to compute the DET for
284 ghat : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
286 The list of mean values calculated in the pavx_1 function
288 index : numpy.ndarray (1D, size_t)
290 The list of indices calculated in the pavx_1 function
292 len : numpy.ndarray (1D, size_t)
294 The list of lengths calculated in the pavx_1 function
297 Returns
298 =======
300 ci : size_t
302 The index of the interval currently considered
304 """
305 # Sets output and working arrays to 0
306 index = 0
307 len = 0
308 ghat = 0.0
309 # ci is the index of the interval currently considered
310 # ghat(ci) is the mean of y-values within this interval
311 ci = 0
312 index[0] = 0
313 len[0] = 1
314 ghat[0] = y[0]
315 for j in range(1, y.shape[0]):
316 # a new index interval "j" is created:
317 ci += 1
318 index[ci] = j
319 len[ci] = 1
320 ghat[ci] = y[j]
321 while ci >= 1 and ghat[numpy.max(ci - 1, 0)] >= ghat[ci]:
322 # "pool adjacent violators"
323 nw = len[ci - 1] + len[ci]
324 ghat[ci - 1] += (len[ci] / nw) * (ghat[ci] - ghat[ci - 1])
325 len[ci - 1] = nw
326 ci -= 1
327 return ci
330def pavx_2(ghat, index, ci):
331 """Calculates the pavx_2 function
333 Calculates the pavx_2 function given the pavx_1 function.
335 Parameters
336 ==========
338 ghat : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
340 The list of mean values calculated in the pavx_1 function
342 index : numpy.ndarray (1D, size_t)
344 The list of indices calculated in the pavx_1 function
346 ci : size_t
348 The index of the interval currently considered
350 """
351 # define ghat for all indices
352 n = index[ci]
353 while n >= 1:
354 r = numpy.array(range(index[ci], n))
355 ghat[r] = ghat[ci]
356 n = index[ci]
357 ci -= 1
358 return ghat
361def pavxWidth(input, output):
362 """Applies the Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm and returns the width.
364 This is a simplified C++ port of the isotonic regression code made available at the University of Bern website.
366 Parameters
367 ==========
369 input : array_like (float, 1D)
371 The input matrix for the PAV algorithm.
373 output : array_like (float, 1D)
375 The output matrix, must be of the same size as input
377 Returns
378 =======
380 width : array_like (uint64, 1D)
382 The width matrix will be created in the same size as input
383 """
384 input = numpy.array(input)
385 output = numpy.array(output)
387 # Define working arrays: An interval of indices is represented by its left
388 # endpoint "index" and its length "len"
389 N = input.shape[0]
390 index = numpy.zeros(N, dtype=numpy.uint64)
391 len = numpy.zeros(N, dtype=numpy.uint64)
393 # First step
394 ci = pavx_1(input, output, index, len)
396 # Get the width vector
397 width = len[: ci + 1]
399 # Second step
400 pavx_2(output, index, ci)
402 return width
405def rocch(negatives, positives):
406 """Calculates the ROC Convex Hull (ROCCH) curve given a set of positive and negative scores
409 Parameters
410 ==========
412 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
414 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the curve
417 Returns
418 =======
420 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
422 The ROC curve, with the first row containing the FPR, and the second
423 row containing the FNR.
425 """
427 # Number of positive and negative scores
428 Nt = len(positives)
429 Nn = len(negatives)
430 N = Nt + Nn
432 # Creates a big array with all scores
433 scores = numpy.concatenate((positives, negatives))
435 # It is important here that scores that are the same (i.e. already in
436 # order) should NOT be swapped. "stable" has this property.
437 perturb = numpy.argsort(scores, kind="stable")
439 # Apply permutation
440 Pideal = numpy.zeros((N,))
441 Pideal[perturb < Nt] = 1.0
443 # Applies the PAVA algorithm
444 Popt = numpy.ndarray((N,))
445 raise NotImplementedError(
446 "An auto generated implementation of pavxWidth is available but no test has been done."
447 )
448 width = pavxWidth(Pideal, Popt)
450 # Allocates output
451 nbins = len(width)
452 retval = numpy.zeros((2, nbins + 1)) # FAR, FRR
454 # Fills in output
455 left = 0
456 fa = Nn
457 miss = 0
459 for i in range(nbins):
460 retval[0, i] = fa / Nn # pfa
461 retval[1, i] = miss / Nt # pmiss
462 left += int(width[i])
464 if left >= 1:
465 miss = Pideal[:left].sum()
466 else:
467 miss = 0.0
469 if Pideal.shape[0] - 1 >= left:
470 fa = N - left - Pideal[left:].sum()
471 else:
472 fa = 0
474 retval[0, nbins] = fa / Nn # pfa
475 retval[1, nbins] = miss / Nt # pmiss
477 return retval
481def rocch2eer(pmiss_pfa):
482 """Calculates the threshold that is as close as possible to the equal-error-rate (EER) given the input data
485 .. todo::
487 The parameter(s) ``pmiss_pfa`` are used, but not documented.
490 Returns
491 =======
493 threshold : float
495 The computed threshold, at which the EER can be obtained
497 """
499 assert pmiss_pfa.shape[0] == 2
501 N = pmiss_pfa.shape[1]
503 eer = 0.0
504 XY = numpy.empty((2, 2))
505 one = numpy.ones((2,))
506 eerseg = 0.0
507 epsilon = numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps
509 for i in range(N - 1):
510 # Define XY matrix
511 XY[0, 0] = pmiss_pfa[0, i] # pfa
512 XY[1, 0] = pmiss_pfa[0, i + 1] # pfa
513 XY[0, 1] = pmiss_pfa[1, i] # pmiss
514 XY[1, 1] = pmiss_pfa[1, i + 1] # pmiss
516 # xx and yy should be sorted:
517 assert XY[1, 0] <= XY[0, 0] and XY[0, 1] <= XY[1, 1]
519 # Commpute "dd"
520 abs_dd0 = abs(XY[0, 0] - XY[1, 0])
521 abs_dd1 = abs(XY[0, 1] - XY[1, 1])
523 if min(abs_dd0, abs_dd1) < epsilon:
524 eerseg = 0.0
526 else:
527 # Finds line coefficients seg s.t. XY.seg = 1
528 seg = numpy.linalg.solve(XY, one)
529 # Candidate for the EER (to be compared to current value)
530 eerseg = 1.0 / seg.sum()
532 eer = max(eer, eerseg)
534 return eer
537def eer_rocch(negatives, positives):
538 """Equal-error-rate (EER) given the input data, on the ROC Convex Hull
540 It replicates the EER calculation from the Bosaris toolkit
541 (
544 Parameters
545 ==========
547 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
549 The set of negative scores to compute the threshold
551 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
553 The set of positive scores to compute the threshold
556 Returns
557 =======
559 threshold : float
561 The threshold for the equal error rate
563 """
564 return rocch2eer(rocch(negatives, positives))
567@jit("float64(float64, float64, float64)", nopython=True)
568def _abs_diff(a, b, cost):
569 return abs(a - b)
572@jit("float64(float64, float64, float64)", nopython=True)
573def _weighted_err(far, frr, cost):
574 return (cost * far) + ((1.0 - cost) * frr)
578def _minimizing_threshold(negatives, positives, criterion, cost=0.5):
579 """Calculates the best threshold taking a predicate as input condition
581 This method can calculate a threshold based on a set of scores (positives
582 and negatives) given a certain minimization criterium, input as a
583 functional predicate. For a discussion on ``positive`` and ``negative`` see
584 :py:func:`farfrr`. Here, it is expected that the positives and the
585 negatives are sorted ascendantly.
587 The predicate method gives back the current minimum given false-acceptance
588 (FA) and false-rejection (FR) ratios for the input data. The API for the
589 criterium is:
591 predicate(fa_ratio : float, fr_ratio : float) -> float
593 Please note that this method will only work with single-minimum smooth
594 predicates.
596 The minimization is carried out in a data-driven way. Starting from the
597 lowest score (might be a positive or a negative), it increases the
598 threshold based on the distance between the current score and the following
599 higher score (also keeping track of duplicate scores) and computes the
600 predicate for each possible threshold.
602 Finally, that threshold is returned, for which the predicate returned the
603 lowest value.
606 Parameters
607 ==========
609 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
610 Negative scores, sorted ascendantly
612 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
613 Positive scores, sorted ascendantly
615 criterion : str
616 A predicate from one of ("absolute-difference", "weighted-error")
618 cost : float
619 Extra cost argument to be passed to criterion
621 Returns
622 =======
624 threshold : float
625 The optimal threshold given the predicate and the scores
627 """
628 if criterion not in ("absolute-difference", "weighted-error"):
629 raise ValueError("Uknown criterion")
631 def criterium(a, b, c):
632 if criterion == "absolute-difference":
633 return _abs_diff(a, b, c)
634 else:
635 return _weighted_err(a, b, c)
637 if not len(negatives) or not len(positives):
638 raise RuntimeError(
639 "Cannot compute threshold when no positives or "
640 "no negatives are provided"
641 )
643 # iterates over all possible far and frr points and compute the predicate
644 # for each possible threshold...
645 min_predicate = 1e8
646 min_threshold = 1e8
647 current_predicate = 1e8
648 # we start with the extreme values for far and frr
649 far = 1.0
650 frr = 0.0
652 # the decrease/increase for far/frr when moving one negative/positive
653 max_neg = len(negatives)
654 far_decrease = 1.0 / max_neg
655 max_pos = len(positives)
656 frr_increase = 1.0 / max_pos
658 # we start with the threshold based on the minimum score
660 # iterates until one of these goes bananas
661 pos_it = 0
662 neg_it = 0
663 current_threshold = min(negatives[neg_it], positives[pos_it])
665 # continues until one of the two iterators reaches the end of the list
666 while pos_it < max_pos and neg_it < max_neg:
667 # compute predicate
668 current_predicate = criterium(far, frr, cost)
670 if current_predicate <= min_predicate:
671 min_predicate = current_predicate
672 min_threshold = current_threshold
674 if positives[pos_it] >= negatives[neg_it]:
675 # compute current threshold
676 current_threshold = negatives[neg_it]
677 neg_it += 1
678 far -= far_decrease
680 else: # pos_val <= neg_val
681 # compute current threshold
682 current_threshold = positives[pos_it]
683 pos_it += 1
684 frr += frr_increase
686 # skip until next "different" value, which case we "gain" 1 unit on
687 # the "FAR" value, since we will be accepting that negative as a
688 # true negative, and not as a false positive anymore. we continue
689 # to do so for as long as the current threshold matches the current
690 # iterator.
691 while neg_it < max_neg and current_threshold == negatives[neg_it]:
692 neg_it += 1
693 far -= far_decrease
695 # skip until next "different" value, which case we "loose" 1 unit
696 # on the "FRR" value, since we will be accepting that positive as a
697 # false negative, and not as a true positive anymore. we continue
698 # to do so for as long as the current threshold matches the current
699 # iterator.
700 while pos_it < max_pos and current_threshold == positives[pos_it]:
701 pos_it += 1
702 frr += frr_increase
704 # computes a new threshold based on the center between last and current
705 # score, if we are **not** already at the end of the score lists
706 if neg_it < max_neg or pos_it < max_pos:
707 if neg_it < max_neg and pos_it < max_pos:
708 current_threshold += min(negatives[neg_it], positives[pos_it])
709 elif neg_it < max_neg:
710 current_threshold += negatives[neg_it]
711 else:
712 current_threshold += positives[pos_it]
713 current_threshold /= 2
715 # now, we have reached the end of one list (usually the negatives) so,
716 # finally compute predicate for the last time
717 current_predicate = criterium(far, frr, cost)
718 if current_predicate < min_predicate:
719 min_predicate = current_predicate
720 min_threshold = current_threshold
722 # now we just double check choosing the threshold higher than all scores
723 # will not improve the min_predicate
724 if neg_it < max_neg or pos_it < max_pos:
725 last_threshold = current_threshold
726 if neg_it < max_neg:
727 last_threshold = numpy.nextafter(negatives[-1], negatives[-1] + 1)
728 elif pos_it < max_pos:
729 last_threshold = numpy.nextafter(positives[-1], positives[-1] + 1)
730 current_predicate = criterium(0.0, 1.0, cost)
731 if current_predicate < min_predicate:
732 min_predicate = current_predicate
733 min_threshold = last_threshold
735 # return the best threshold found
736 return min_threshold
739def eer_threshold(negatives, positives, is_sorted=False):
740 """Calculates threshold as close as possible to the equal error rate (EER)
742 The EER should be the point where the FPR equals the FNR. Graphically, this
743 would be equivalent to the intersection between the ROC (or DET) curves and
744 the identity.
746 .. note::
748 The scores will be sorted internally, requiring the scores to be copied.
749 To avoid this copy, you can sort both sets of scores externally in
750 ascendant order, and set the ``is_sorted`` parameter to ``True``.
753 Parameters
754 ==========
756 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
758 The set of negative scores to compute the threshold
760 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
762 The set of positive scores to compute the threshold
764 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
766 Set this to ``True`` if the ``negatives`` are already sorted in
767 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
768 will require more memory.
771 Returns
772 =======
774 threshold : float
776 The threshold (i.e., as used in :py:func:`farfrr`) where FPR and FNR
777 are as close as possible
779 """
781 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
782 neg = negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(negatives)
783 pos = positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(positives)
785 return _minimizing_threshold(neg, pos, "absolute-difference")
789def epc(
790 dev_negatives,
791 dev_positives,
792 test_negatives,
793 test_positives,
794 n_points,
795 is_sorted=False,
796 thresholds=False,
798 """Calculates points of an Expected Performance Curve (EPC)
800 Calculates the EPC curve given a set of positive and negative scores and a
801 desired number of points. Returns a two-dimensional
802 :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type float with the shape of ``(2, points)``
803 or ``(3, points)`` depending on the ``thresholds`` argument. The rows
804 correspond to the X (cost), Y (weighted error rate on the test set given
805 the min. threshold on the development set), and the thresholds which were
806 used to calculate the error (if the ``thresholds`` argument was set to
807 ``True``), respectively. Please note that, in order to calculate the EPC
808 curve, one needs two sets of data comprising a development set and a test
809 set. The minimum weighted error is calculated on the development set and
810 then applied to the test set to evaluate the weighted error rate at that
811 position.
813 The EPC curve plots the HTER on the test set for various values of 'cost'.
814 For each value of 'cost', a threshold is found that provides the minimum
815 weighted error (see :py:func:`min_weighted_error_rate_threshold`) on the
816 development set. Each threshold is consecutively applied to the test set
817 and the resulting weighted error values are plotted in the EPC.
819 The cost points in which the EPC curve are calculated are distributed
820 uniformly in the range :math:`[0.0, 1.0]`.
822 .. note::
824 It is more memory efficient, when sorted arrays of scores are provided
825 and the ``is_sorted`` parameter is set to ``True``.
828 Parameters
829 ==========
831 dev_negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
833 Negative scores on the development set
835 dev_positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
837 Positive scores on the development set
839 test_negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
841 Negative scores on the test set
843 test_positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
845 Positive scores on the test set
847 n_points : int
849 The number of weights for which the EPC curve should be computed
851 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
853 Set this to ``True`` if the ``negatives`` are already sorted in
854 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
855 will require more memory.
857 thresholds : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
859 If ``True`` the function returns an array with the shape of ``(3,
860 points)`` where the third row contains the thresholds that were
861 calculated on the development set.
864 Returns
865 =======
867 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D or 3D, float)
869 The EPC curve, with the first row containing the weights and the second
870 row containing the weighted errors on the test set. If ``thresholds``
871 is ``True``, there is also a third row which contains the thresholds
872 that were calculated on the development set.
874 """
876 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
877 dev_neg = dev_negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(dev_negatives)
878 dev_pos = dev_positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(dev_positives)
879 # numpy.linspace is more stable than numpy.arange for non-integer steps.
880 # However, both arange and linspace are buggy in numba. Using objmode for a
881 # workaround. TODO(amir): remove objmode once
882 # is resolved.
883 with objmode(alpha="float64[:]"):
884 alpha = numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, n_points)
885 thres = numpy.empty_like(alpha)
886 mwer = numpy.empty_like(alpha)
887 for i, k in enumerate(alpha):
888 thres[i] = _jit_min_weighted_error_rate_threshold(
889 dev_neg, dev_pos, k, True
890 )
891 tmp = _jit_farfrr(test_negatives, test_positives, thres[i])
892 tmp2 = numpy.empty((2,))
893 tmp2[0] = tmp[0]
894 tmp2[1] = tmp[1]
895 mwer[i] = numpy.mean(tmp2)
897 if thresholds:
898 return numpy.vstack((alpha, mwer, thres))
899 return numpy.vstack((alpha, mwer))
902def f_score(negatives, positives, threshold, weight=1.0):
903 r"""Computes the F-score of the accuracy of the classification
905 The F-score is a weighted mean of precision and recall measurements, see
906 :py:func:`precision_recall`. It is computed as:
908 .. math::
910 \mathrm{\text{f-score}}(w) = (1 + w^2)\frac{\mathrm{precision}\cdot{}\mathrm{recall}}{w^2\cdot{}\mathrm{precision} + \mathrm{recall}}
912 The weight :math:`w` needs to be non-negative real value. In case the
913 weight parameter is 1 (the default), the F-score is called F1 score and is
914 a harmonic mean between precision and recall values.
917 Parameters
918 ==========
920 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
922 The set of negative scores to compute the precision and recall
924 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
926 The set of positive scores to compute the precision and recall
928 threshold : float
930 The threshold to compute the precision and recall for
932 weight : :py:class:`float`, Optional
934 The weight :math:`w` between precision and recall
937 Returns
938 =======
940 f_score : float
942 The computed f-score for the given scores and the given threshold
944 """
945 weight = weight if weight > 0 else 1
946 w2 = weight**2
947 p, r = precision_recall(negatives, positives, threshold)
948 if p == 0.0 and r == 0.0:
949 return 0.0
950 return (1 + w2) * (p * r) / ((w2 * p) + r)
954def far_threshold(negatives, positives, far_value=0.001, is_sorted=False):
955 """Threshold such that the real FPR is **at most** the requested ``far_value`` if possible
958 .. note::
960 The scores will be sorted internally, requiring the scores to be copied.
961 To avoid this copy, you can sort the ``negatives`` scores externally in
962 ascendant order, and set the ``is_sorted`` parameter to ``True``.
965 Parameters
966 ==========
968 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
970 The set of negative scores to compute the FPR threshold
972 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
974 Ignored, but needs to be specified -- may be given as ``[]``
976 far_value : :py:class:`float`, Optional
978 The FPR value, for which the threshold should be computed
980 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
982 Set this to ``True`` if the ``negatives`` are already sorted in
983 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
984 will require more memory.
987 Returns
988 =======
990 threshold : float
992 The threshold such that the real FPR is at most ``far_value``
994 """
996 # N.B.: Unoptimized version ported from C++
998 if far_value < 0.0 or far_value > 1.0:
999 raise RuntimeError("`far_value' must be in the interval [0.,1.]")
1001 if len(negatives) < 2:
1002 raise RuntimeError("the number of negative scores must be at least 2")
1004 epsilon = numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps
1005 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
1006 scores = negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(negatives)
1008 # handles special case of far == 1 without any iterating
1009 if far_value >= (1 - epsilon):
1010 return numpy.nextafter(scores[0], scores[0] - 1)
1012 # Reverse negatives so the end is the start. This way the code below will
1013 # be very similar to the implementation in the frr_threshold function. The
1014 # implementations are not exactly the same though.
1015 scores = numpy.flip(scores)
1017 # Move towards the end of array changing the threshold until we cross the
1018 # desired FAR value. Starting with a threshold that corresponds to FAR ==
1019 # 0.
1020 total_count = len(scores)
1021 current_position = 0
1023 # since the comparison is `if score >= threshold then accept as genuine`,
1024 # we can choose the largest score value + eps as the threshold so that we
1025 # can get for 0% FAR.
1026 valid_threshold = numpy.nextafter(
1027 scores[current_position], scores[current_position] + 1
1028 )
1029 current_threshold = 0.0
1031 while current_position < total_count:
1032 current_threshold = scores[current_position]
1033 # keep iterating if values are repeated
1034 while (
1035 current_position < (total_count - 1)
1036 and scores[current_position + 1] == current_threshold
1037 ):
1038 current_position += 1
1039 # All the scores up to the current position and including the current
1040 # position will be accepted falsely.
1041 future_far = (current_position + 1) / total_count
1042 if future_far > far_value:
1043 break
1044 valid_threshold = current_threshold
1045 current_position += 1
1047 return valid_threshold
1050_jit_far_threshold = far_threshold.jit_func
1054def farfrr(negatives, positives, threshold):
1055 """Calculates the false-acceptance (FA) ratio and the false-rejection (FR) ratio for the given positive and negative scores and a score threshold
1057 ``positives`` holds the score information for samples that are labeled to
1058 belong to a certain class (a.k.a., 'signal' or 'client'). ``negatives``
1059 holds the score information for samples that are labeled **not** to belong
1060 to the class (a.k.a., 'noise' or 'impostor'). It is expected that
1061 'positive' scores are, at least by design, greater than 'negative' scores.
1062 So, every 'positive' value that falls bellow the threshold is considered a
1063 false-rejection (FR). `negative` samples that fall above the threshold are
1064 considered a false-accept (FA).
1066 Positives that fall on the threshold (exactly) are considered correctly
1067 classified. Negatives that fall on the threshold (exactly) are considered
1068 **incorrectly** classified. This equivalent to setting the comparison like
1069 this pseudo-code:
1071 .. code-block:: python
1073 false_rejects = 0
1074 false_accepts = 0
1075 for k in positives:
1076 if k < threshold:
1077 false_rejects += 1
1078 for k in negatives:
1079 if k >= threshold:
1080 false_accepts += 1
1083 The output is in form of a tuple of two double-precision float numbers.
1084 The numbers range from 0 to 1. The first element of the pair is the false
1085 positive ratio (FPR), the second element the false negative ratio (FNR).
1087 The ``threshold`` value does not necessarily have to fall in the range
1088 covered by the input scores (negatives and positives altogether), but if it
1089 does not, the output will be either (1.0, 0.0) or (0.0, 1.0), depending on
1090 the side the threshold falls.
1092 It is possible that scores are inverted in the negative/positive sense. In
1093 some setups the designer may have setup the system so 'positive' samples
1094 have a smaller score than the 'negative' ones. In this case, make sure you
1095 normalize the scores so positive samples have greater scores before feeding
1096 them into this method.
1099 Parameters
1100 ==========
1102 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1104 The scores for comparisons of objects of different classes
1106 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1108 The scores for comparisons of objects of the same class
1110 threshold : float
1112 The threshold to separate correctly and incorrectly classified scores
1115 Returns
1116 =======
1118 far : float
1120 The False Positve Rate (FPR) for the given threshold
1122 frr : float
1124 The False Negative Rate (FNR) for the given threshold
1126 """
1128 if numpy.isnan(threshold):
1129 print("Error: Cannot compute FPR (FAR) or FNR (FRR) with NaN threshold")
1130 return (1.0, 1.0)
1132 if not len(negatives):
1133 raise RuntimeError(
1134 "Cannot compute FPR (FAR) when no negatives are given"
1135 )
1137 if not len(positives):
1138 raise RuntimeError(
1139 "Cannot compute FNR (FRR) when no positives are given"
1140 )
1142 return (negatives >= threshold).sum() / len(negatives), (
1143 positives < threshold
1144 ).sum() / len(positives)
1147_jit_farfrr = farfrr.jit_func
1151def frr_threshold(negatives, positives, frr_value=0.001, is_sorted=False):
1152 """Computes the threshold such that the real FNR is **at most** the requested ``frr_value`` if possible
1155 .. note::
1157 The scores will be sorted internally, requiring the scores to be copied.
1158 To avoid this copy, you can sort the ``positives`` scores externally in
1159 ascendant order, and set the ``is_sorted`` parameter to ``True``.
1162 Parameters
1163 ==========
1165 negatives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1167 Ignored, but needs to be specified -- may be given as ``[]``.
1169 positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1171 The set of positive scores to compute the FNR threshold.
1173 frr_value : :py:class:`float`, Optional
1175 The FNR value, for which the threshold should be computed.
1177 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
1179 Set this to ``True`` if the ``positives`` are already sorted in
1180 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
1181 will require more memory.
1184 Returns
1185 =======
1187 threshold : float
1189 The threshold such that the real FRR is at most ``frr_value``.
1191 """
1193 # N.B.: Unoptimized version ported from C++
1195 if frr_value < 0.0 or frr_value > 1.0:
1196 raise RuntimeError("`frr_value' value must be in the interval [0.,1.]")
1198 if len(positives) < 2:
1199 raise RuntimeError("the number of positive scores must be at least 2")
1201 epsilon = numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps
1202 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
1203 scores = positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(positives)
1205 # handles special case of far == 1 without any iterating
1206 if frr_value >= (1 - epsilon):
1207 return numpy.nextafter(scores[-1], scores[-1] + 1)
1209 # Move towards the end of array changing the threshold until we cross the
1210 # desired FRR value. Starting with a threshold that corresponds to FRR ==
1211 # 0.
1212 total_count = len(scores)
1213 current_position = 0
1215 # since the comparison is `if score >= threshold then accept as genuine`,
1216 # we can choose the largest score value + eps as the threshold so that we
1217 # can get for 0% FAR.
1218 valid_threshold = numpy.nextafter(
1219 scores[current_position], scores[current_position] + 1
1220 )
1221 current_threshold = 0.0
1223 while current_position < total_count:
1224 current_threshold = scores[current_position]
1225 # keep iterating if values are repeated
1226 while (
1227 current_position < (total_count - 1)
1228 and scores[current_position + 1] == current_threshold
1229 ):
1230 current_position += 1
1231 # All the scores up to the current position and including the current
1232 # position will be accepted falsely.
1233 future_frr = current_position / total_count
1234 if future_frr > frr_value:
1235 break
1236 valid_threshold = current_threshold
1237 current_position += 1
1239 return valid_threshold
1242_jit_frr_threshold = frr_threshold.jit_func
1245def min_hter_threshold(negatives, positives, is_sorted=False):
1246 """Calculates the :py:func:`min_weighted_error_rate_threshold` with ``cost=0.5``
1248 Parameters
1249 ==========
1251 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1253 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the threshold
1255 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
1257 Set this to ``True`` if the ``positives`` are already sorted in
1258 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
1259 will require more memory.
1262 Returns
1263 =======
1265 threshold : float
1267 The threshold for which the weighted error rate is minimal
1269 """
1270 return min_weighted_error_rate_threshold(
1271 negatives, positives, 0.5, is_sorted
1272 )
1276def min_weighted_error_rate_threshold(
1277 negatives, positives, cost, is_sorted=False
1279 """Calculates the threshold that minimizes the error rate
1281 The ``cost`` parameter determines the relative importance between
1282 false-accepts and false-rejections. This number should be between 0 and 1
1283 and will be clipped to those extremes. The value to minimize becomes:
1284 :math:`ER_{cost} = cost * FPR + (1-cost) * FNR`. The higher the cost, the
1285 higher the importance given to **not** making mistakes classifying
1286 negatives/noise/impostors.
1288 .. note::
1290 The scores will be sorted internally, requiring the scores to be copied.
1291 To avoid this copy, you can sort both sets of scores externally in
1292 ascendant order, and set the ``is_sorted`` parameter to ``True``.
1295 Parameters
1296 ==========
1298 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1300 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the threshold
1302 cost : float
1304 The relative cost over FPR with respect to FNR in the threshold
1305 calculation
1307 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
1309 Set this to ``True`` if the ``positives`` are already sorted in
1310 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
1311 will require more memory.
1314 Returns
1315 =======
1317 threshold : float
1319 The threshold for which the weighted error rate is minimal
1321 """
1323 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
1324 neg = negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(negatives)
1325 pos = positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(positives)
1326 if cost > 1.0:
1327 cost = 1.0
1328 elif cost < 0.0:
1329 cost = 0.0
1331 return _minimizing_threshold(neg, pos, "weighted-error", cost)
1334_jit_min_weighted_error_rate_threshold = (
1335 min_weighted_error_rate_threshold.jit_func
1339# @jit([(numba.float64[:, :],)], nopython=True)
1340def ppndf(p):
1341 """Returns the Deviate Scale equivalent of a false rejection/acceptance ratio
1343 The algorithm that calculates the deviate scale is based on function
1344 ``ppndf()`` from the NIST package DETware version 2.1, freely available on
1345 the internet. Please consult it for more details. By 20.04.2011, you could
1346 find such package `here <>`_.
1348 The input to this function is a cumulative probability. The output from
1349 this function is the Normal deviate that corresponds to that probability.
1350 For example:
1352 -------+--------
1354 -------+--------
1355 0.001 | -3.090
1356 0.01 | -2.326
1357 0.1 | -1.282
1358 0.5 | 0.0
1359 0.9 | 1.282
1360 0.99 | 2.326
1361 0.999 | 3.090
1362 -------+--------
1365 Parameters
1366 ==========
1368 p : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
1370 The value (usually FPR or FNR) for which the PPNDF should be calculated
1373 Returns
1374 =======
1376 ppndf : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
1378 The derivative scale of the given value
1380 """
1382 # threshold
1383 epsilon = numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps
1384 p_new = numpy.copy(p)
1385 p_new = numpy.where(p_new >= 1.0, 1.0 - epsilon, p_new)
1386 p_new = numpy.where(p_new <= 0.0, epsilon, p_new)
1388 q = p_new - 0.5
1389 abs_q_smaller = numpy.abs(q) <= 0.42
1390 abs_q_bigger = ~abs_q_smaller
1392 retval = numpy.zeros_like(p_new)
1394 # first part q<=0.42
1395 q1 = q[abs_q_smaller]
1396 r = numpy.square(q1)
1397 opt1 = (
1398 q1
1399 * (
1400 ((-25.4410604963 * r + 41.3911977353) * r + -18.6150006252) * r
1401 + 2.5066282388
1402 )
1403 / (
1404 (
1405 ((3.1308290983 * r + -21.0622410182) * r + 23.0833674374) * r
1406 + -8.4735109309
1407 )
1408 * r
1409 + 1.0
1410 )
1411 )
1412 retval[abs_q_smaller] = opt1
1414 # second part q>0.42
1415 # r = sqrt (log (0.5 - abs(q)));
1416 q2 = q[abs_q_bigger]
1417 r = p_new[abs_q_bigger]
1418 r[q2 > 0] = 1 - r[q2 > 0]
1419 if (r <= 0).any():
1420 raise RuntimeError("measure::ppndf(): r <= 0.0!")
1422 r = numpy.sqrt(-1 * numpy.log(r))
1423 opt2 = (
1424 ((2.3212127685 * r + 4.8501412713) * r + -2.2979647913) * r
1425 + -2.7871893113
1426 ) / ((1.6370678189 * r + 3.5438892476) * r + 1.0)
1427 opt2[q2 < 0] *= -1
1428 retval[abs_q_bigger] = opt2
1430 return retval
1434def precision_recall(negatives, positives, threshold):
1435 r"""Calculates the precision and recall (sensitivity) values given negative and positive scores and a threshold
1437 Precision and recall are computed as:
1439 .. math::
1441 \mathrm{precision} = \frac{tp}{tp + fp}
1443 \mathrm{recall} = \frac{tp}{tp + fn}
1445 where :math:`tp` are the true positives, :math:`fp` are the false positives
1446 and :math:`fn` are the false negatives.
1448 ``positives`` holds the score information for samples that are labeled to
1449 belong to a certain class (a.k.a., 'signal' or 'client'). ``negatives``
1450 holds the score information for samples that are labeled **not** to belong
1451 to the class (a.k.a., 'noise' or 'impostor'). For more precise details
1452 about how the method considers error rates, see :py:func:`farfrr`.
1455 Parameters
1456 ==========
1458 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1460 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the measurements
1462 threshold : float
1464 The threshold to compute the measures for
1467 Returns
1468 =======
1470 precision : float
1472 The precision value for the given negatives and positives
1474 recall : float
1476 The recall value for the given negatives and positives
1478 """
1480 if not len(positives) or not len(negatives):
1481 raise RuntimeError(
1482 "Cannot compute precision or recall when no "
1483 "positives or no negatives are given"
1484 )
1486 FP = (negatives >= threshold).sum()
1487 TP = (positives >= threshold).sum()
1488 CP = TP + FP
1489 if CP == 0:
1490 CP = 1
1491 return TP / CP, TP / len(positives)
1494_jit_precision_recall = precision_recall.jit_func
1498def precision_recall_curve(negatives, positives, n_points):
1499 """Calculates the precision-recall curve given a set of positive and negative scores and a number of desired points
1501 The points in which the curve is calculated are distributed uniformly in
1502 the range ``[min(negatives, positives), max(negatives, positives)]``
1505 Parameters
1506 ==========
1508 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1510 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the measurements
1512 n_points : int
1514 The number of thresholds for which precision and recall should be
1515 evaluated
1518 Returns
1519 =======
1521 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
1523 2D array of floats that express the X (precision) and Y (recall)
1524 coordinates.
1526 """
1527 curve = numpy.empty((2, n_points))
1528 for i, k in enumerate(
1529 _meaningful_thresholds(negatives, positives, n_points, -8, False)
1530 ):
1531 x, y = _jit_precision_recall(negatives, positives, k)
1532 curve[0, i] = x
1533 curve[1, i] = y
1534 return curve
1535 # return numpy.array(
1536 # [
1538 # for k in
1539 # ]
1540 # ).T
1544def roc(negatives, positives, n_points, min_far=-8):
1545 """Calculates points of an Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
1547 Calculates the ROC curve given a set of negative and positive scores and a
1548 desired number of points.
1551 Parameters
1552 ==========
1554 ``negatives, positives`` : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1556 The negative and positive scores, for which the ROC curve should be
1557 calculated.
1559 n_points : int
1561 The number of points, in which the ROC curve are calculated, which are
1562 distributed uniformly in the range ``[min(negatives, positives),
1563 max(negatives, positives)]``
1565 min_far : int
1567 Minimum FAR in terms of :math:`10^(\text{min_far}`. This value is also
1568 used for ``min_frr``. Values should be negative.
1571 Returns
1572 =======
1574 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
1576 A two-dimensional array of doubles that express the X (FPR) and Y (FNR)
1577 coordinates in this order
1579 """
1581 t = _meaningful_thresholds(negatives, positives, n_points, min_far, False)
1582 curve = numpy.empty((2, len(t)))
1583 for i, k in enumerate(t):
1584 curve[:, i] = _jit_farfrr(negatives, positives, k)
1585 return curve
1589def roc_for_far(negatives, positives, far_list, is_sorted=False):
1590 """Calculates the ROC curve for a given set of positive and negative scores and the FPR values, for which the FNR should be computed
1592 .. note::
1594 The scores will be sorted internally, requiring the scores to be copied.
1595 To avoid this copy, you can sort both sets of scores externally in
1596 ascendant order, and set the ``is_sorted`` parameter to ``True``.
1599 Parameters
1600 ==========
1602 negatives, positives : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1604 The set of negative and positive scores to compute the curve
1606 far_list : numpy.ndarray (1D, float)
1608 A list of FPR values, for which the FNR values should be computed
1610 is_sorted : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
1612 Set this to ``True`` if both sets of scores are already sorted in
1613 ascending order. If ``False``, scores will be sorted internally, which
1614 will require more memory.
1617 Returns
1618 =======
1620 curve : numpy.ndarray (2D, float)
1622 The ROC curve, which holds a copy of the given FPR values in row 0, and
1623 the corresponding FNR values in row 1.
1625 """
1626 if len(negatives) == 0:
1627 raise RuntimeError("The given set of negatives is empty.")
1629 if len(positives) == 0:
1630 raise RuntimeError("The given set of positives is empty.")
1632 # if not pre-sorted, copies and sorts
1633 neg = negatives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(negatives)
1634 pos = positives if is_sorted else numpy.sort(positives)
1636 # Get the threshold for the requested far values and calculate far and frr
1637 # values based on the threshold.
1638 curve = numpy.empty((2, len(far_list)))
1639 for i, k in enumerate(far_list):
1640 curve[:, i] = _jit_farfrr(
1641 neg, pos, _jit_far_threshold(neg, pos, k, True)
1642 )
1643 return curve