AI for Everyone

Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

To support individuals and communities outside mainstream Western societies, governments, NGOs, and businesses often use tools that were not designed with these users in mind. This needs to change.

Artificial intelligence should serve everyone, equitably. To achieve this, people—especially those whose voices are often not heard—need to be at the center of the design and deployment of AI systems. Through the development of participatory, trustworthy, and fair technology, research at Idiap empowers communities of users and fosters democratic, collective decision-making. The impact of our work is broad, ranging from citizen science initiatives to projects where the responsible use of AI can truly benefit communities.

Expertise domains



This program contributes to the following UN SDG



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Publication highlights

Generalization and Personalization of Passive Mobile Sensing-Based Mood Inference Models: An Analysis of College Students in Eight Countries. Meegahapola, W. Droz, P. Kun, A. de Gotzen, C. Nutakki, S. Diwakar, S. Ruiz Correa, D. Song, H. Xu, M. Bidoglia, G. Gaskell, A. Chagnaa, A. Ganbold, T. Zundui, C. Caprini, D. Miorandi, A. Hume. In Proc. of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (PACM IMWUT), 6(4), pp. 1-32, Dec. 2022.

A multidisciplinary approach with a large international team to quantify the performance of inference models for real-life smartphone sensor data, investigating country-specific, country-agnostic, and multi-country approaches. This work is an example of progress towards the development of diversity- aware algorithms for people in eight countries in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.


Pre-training Data Quality and Quantity for a Low-Resource Language: New Corpus and BERT Models for Maltese, Kurt Micallef, Albert Gatt, Marc Tanti, Lonneke van der Plas and Claudia Borg, in Proceedings of the workshop on Deep Learning for Low-Resource NLP, 2022.

Technological tools are missing for many languages in the world. This paper com-pares methods for creating language technologies for a language that has limited resources: Maltese. We also present a newly created collection of texts for Maltese, that results in state-of-the-art performance on several language tasks, despite the fact that the new collection of text is much smaller than those typically used for high-resourced languages.Technological tools are missing for many languages in the world. This paper com-pares methods for creating language technologies for a language that has limited resources: Maltese. We also present a newly created collection of texts for Maltese, that results in state-of-the-art performance on several language tasks, despite the fact that the new collection of text is much smaller than those typically used for high-resourced languages.


Towards Accessible Sign Language Learning and Assessment, Neha Tarigopula, Sandrine Tornay, Skanda Muralidhar, Mathew Magimai-Doss, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2022.

Recently, a phonology-based sign language assessment approach has been proposed using sign language production acquired in 3D space using Kinect sensor. In order to scale the sign language assessment system to realistic application, there is need to reduce the dependency on Kinect, which is not accessible to wider community, and develop solutions that can potentially work with web-cameras. This paper takes a step in that direction by investigating sign language recognition and sign language assessment in 2D space either by dropping the depth coordinate in Kinect or using methods for skeleton estimation from videos. Experimental studies on Swiss German Sign Language corpus SMILE show that, while loss of depth information leads to considerable drop in sign language recognition performance, high level of sign language assessment performance can still be obtained.

Project highlights


This project aims to deliver core AI advances and training to serve the media sector, while ensuring that European values of ethical and trustworthy AI are embedded in future deployments. In particular, we study phenomena related to European local news, with emphasis on human-centered AI methods to understand both local news content and local user perceptions.


Recognizing that progress in natural language processing (NLP) needs to account for and foster language diversity, this network aims to provide theoretical models and practical advances about language universality and diversity, including language resources and tools covering a large variety of language phenomena in many languages, including those who are currently low-resourced and endangered.


In medical imaging, the use of machine learning (ML) models to support large scale screening and diagnosis has substantially increased. However, the study of demographic bias of ML-based medical imaging remains unaddressed. This project will advance the state-of-the-art in ML fairness applied to the design of image-based computer-aided diagnosis systems.


Full list of related projects

WeNet, 2019-2023, H2020, Gatica-Perez

Smartphone sensing research involving university students in the Global South


AI4Media, 2020-2024, H2020, Gatica-Perez

Participatory approaches for human-centered AI understanding of local Swiss news


ICARUS, 2020-2024, H2020, Gatica-Perez

Design thinking approaches for urban security solutions in European cities


ELIAS, 2023-2027, Horizon Europe, Gatica-Perez

Machine learning for urban local development


SEM24, 2023-2025, Innosuisse, Van der Plas

Multilingual language technologies


IICT, 2022-2026, Innosuisse, Magimai Doss

Sign language and spoken subtitling technology to overcome language barriers


NCCR Evolang, 2020-2024, SNSF, Magimai Doss

Speech technologies for children speech


SMILE-II, 2021-2024, SNSF Sinergia, Magimai Doss

Technologies for Deaf/Hard of Hearing people


CollabCloud, 2022-2023, Loterie Romande & Idiap, Anjos

Collaborative research cloud Infrastructure powering discovery and exchange


FairMI, 2023-2026, SNSF, Anjos

Bias analysis and mitigation in image-based computer-aided diagnosis


SAFER, 2022-2024, Hasler, Marcel

Bias mitigation in facial recognition