Technology Portfolio


While evaluating the success of technology transfer is a difficult task, invention disclosures and patents are usually key metrics in the field.

As a necessary first step to any patent filing, an invention disclosure aims to identify a technology with a certain level of maturity and some promising economic potential. A patent committee examines each invention disclosure and decides to move forward with a patent filing or not.

Following is a list of our published patents (7 granted, 1 pending application). If you are interested in enriching your IP portfolio by buying one of them or if you would like to know about the licensing possibilities and conditions, please contact us:

Granted patent

US 9,689,959 A.  Asaei,  H.  Bourlard,  V.  Cevher,  “Method,  apparatus  and  computer program product for determining the location of a plurality of speech sources” [ref: IDIAP-1]

US 9,058,541 C.  Dubout,  F.  Fleuret,  “Object  detection  method,  object  detector  and object detection computer program” [ref: IDIAP-2]

US 9,973,503 S. Marcel, A. Anjos, P. Abbet, “Method and internet-connected server for reviewing a computer-executable experiment” [ref: IDIAP-8]

EP 3154407 K. A. Funes Mora,  J-M. Odobez,  “A gaze estimation method and apparatus” [ref: IDIAP-5]

EP 3691258 M. Liebling, C. Jacques, "System and method for acquiring images" [ref: IDIAP-10]

US 11,514,918 | EP 3719679 V. Krivokuca Hahn, S. Marcel, "A method for protecting biometric templates, and a system and method for verifying a speaker's identity" [ref: IDIAP-11]

Pending applications

WO 2017/221049 A. Anjos, S. Marcel, “A data-network connected server, a device, a platform and a method for conducting computer-executable experiments” [ref: IDIAP-9]


WO 2016/023582 S. Marcel, “A method of detecting a falsified presentation to a vascular recognition system”. Special note: this patent has been sold. [ref: IDIAP-4]

Technology components

In addition to our patents, we have developed through the years many cutting edge technologies that we will be happy to discuss with you. They are listed in our Technology portfolio document that you can download here alongside other interesting information like examples of past projects.

Our published technology components cover the following research areas:

  • Audio and speech processing
  • Machine learning
  • Computer vision
  • Biometrics
  • Multimedia processing
  • Robotics