Idiap's Spinoffs

The following startups and SMEs are perfect examples of success in converting innovative technologies developed at Idiap into successful companies. Don't hesitate to have a look on their website, as they might be looking for talents.

Our spinoffs


Since 2010, AudioSearch's technology uses automatic keyword detection to index and retrieve phone conversation recorded on mobile phone or voice IP.
Contact:Chirdeep Chhabra or Mathew Magimai Doss


Eyeware's solutions use eye tracking information in real-world interactions, by capturing user attention, intention, and interest. It allows to increase human-machine engagement thanks to computer vision algorithms.
Contact: Kenneth Funes


KeyLemon's technology allow your device to recognize you in a natural and passive way, like a human does, rather than using a password. They are pioneers in biometric authentication solutions via 2D and 3D face recognition.
Contact: Gilles Florey


Klewel offers the latest end-to-end webcasting service. This allows event's presentations to be shared publicly or privately to give organizations the visibility and the guarantee to save the knowledge for the future.
Contact: Mael Guillemot



Recapp IT develops speech recognition technology, specialized in all Swiss languages and dialects. Verbatim transcripts are generated automatically and can be stored in a searchable audiovisual archive. The AI-driven software is adaptable and can also be installed locally.
Contact: David Imseng


Vima solutions are able to understand people traits and behavior with a level of accuracy never achieved before, combining behavioral science with advanced technologies, helping for instance to boost self-awareness and identify strengths and weaknesses.
Contact: Ghislaine Couvreur


IdeArk is one of the TheArk sites. It specializes in multi-modal interactions and management of multimedia information to transforms ideas into commercial development of promising new technologies, particularly those originating from Idiap.
Contact: François Foglia


The following startups are former Idiap spinoffs, some have been acquired and others are no longer active.

Its band replaced traditional badges, cards, keys, passwords, PIN codes and biometrics. Worn on the wrist of the user, biowatch band provides secure and seamless authentication to devices, services and premises.

It offered a cloud voice recognition software package, enabling verbal input to be transcribed automatically to text. It was acquired by Crealogix in 2017.

Its technology naturally processes video streams in real time, including replacing advertisement in the stream.