Each year the institute gives two awards to distinguish two of its students. In 2023, the Best Paper Award went to Tobias Löw, and the Student Award to Hatef Otroshi Shahreza. Congratulations!
It requires the development of models that can exploit the structure and geometry of the acquired data in an efficient way, the development of optimal control techniques that can exploit the learned task variations and coordination patterns, and the development of intuitive interfaces to acquire meaningful demonstrations.
The developed approaches can be applied to a wide range of manipulation skills, with robots that are either close to us (assistive and industrial robots), parts of us (prosthetics and exoskeletons), or far away from us (teleoperation).
Luminous paints make it possible to tell the time on analogue timepieces even in the dark. These compounds are still applied manually, as conventional automation solutions are not suitable for this task. That’s why researchers from Idiap and Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH are developing a flexible robot system that can be programmed by showing it what to do.
Every year, the Institute nominates two students for its internal awards. In 2022, the Paper Award goes to Alexandre Bittar, and the Student Award goes to Teguh Lembono. Congratulations!
The Robot Learning & Interaction research group at Idiap has recently acquired a new tool. A small quadruped robot named SOLO12, whose mission will be to allow the researchers and engineers of the institute to develop new robotic applications based on artificial intelligence.
Idiap Research Institute and the School of Engineering at EPFL invite applications for the directorship of Idiap. The successful candidate will also hold a faculty position as full professor at EPFL School of Engineering.
Group Job Openings
Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.
Current Group Members
The group is led by Sylvain Calinon.

CALINON, Sylvain
(Senior Research Scientist)
- website

(Postdoctoral Researcher)
- website

(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

LI, Yiming
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

LÖW, Tobias
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(Research Intern)
- website
Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- ABBET, Christian
- BERIO, Daniel
- BRAGLIA, Giovanni
- CHI, Xuemin
- DONG, Yifei
- FLATTOT, Vincent
- GAO, Xiao
- GEVERS, Louis
- GINDROZ, Mickael
- GIRGIN, Hakan
- HAVOUTIS, Ioannis
- HONOREZ, Valentin
- JAKAC, Karlo
- JAQUIER, Noémie
- JIANG, Xiaowen
- KULAK, Thibaut
- KUPCSIK, Andras (Gabor)
- LANCA, Luka
- LEMBONO, Teguh (Santoso)
- LESUR, Jean
- LOKIETKO, Jaroslaw
- MA, Wei
- MAETZ, Théo (Romi Azhary)
- MICHEL, Tobias
- MONNET, Stephen
- NIEDERBERGER, Adolf (Kilian)
- NIU, Zhenwei
- NOBAR, Mahdi
- PAOLILLO, Antonio
- PIAGET, Jehan
- PIGNAT, Emmanuel
- PILLET, Maxime
- RACCA, Mattia
- SHETTY, Suhan (N.)
- SILVERIO, João (Pedro Lourenço)
- SOUSA EWERTON, Marco (Antonio)
- STANDAERT, Florian
- SUOMALAINEN, Markku (Heikki)
- TANWANI, Ajay (Kumar)
- TAO, Dominique
- TAVASSOLI, Mehrdad
- THOO, Yong Joon
- TI, Boyang
- VAES, Clément
Active Research Grants
- INTELLIMAN - AI-Powered Manipulation System for Advanced Robotic Service, Manufacturing and Prosthetics
- KREATIV - Installation at Phänomena: The roles of AI and robotics for creative and artistic applications in both digital and physical worlds
- SESTOSENSO - Physical Cognition for Intelligent Control and Safe Human-Robot Interaction
- SMART-DISPENSING - Smart Dispensing: Programming of a complex deposit task through learning from demonstration
Past Research Grants
- BAXTER - Démonstrateur Baxter
- CODIMAN - A future that works: Cobotics, digital skills and the re-humanization of the workplace (CODIMAN)
- COLLABORATE - Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly
- DEXROV - Effective Dexterous ROV Operations in Presence of Communications Latencies
- HAPPYGLOVE - Electronic goniometer hAPPy Glove feasibility study
- HEAP - Human-Guided Learning and Benchmarking of Robotic Heap Sorting
- I-DRESS - Assistive Interactive robotic system for support in DRESSing
- INNO-DIGGER - Artificial intelligence assistance for remote controlled excavator
- LEARN-REAL - LEARNing physical manipulation skills with simulators using REAListic variations (LEARN-REAL)
- MEMMO - Memory of Motion
- NATAI - The Nature of Artificial Intelligence
- ROBOCLETTE - Roboclette (Robot racleur)
- ROSALIS - Robot skills acquisition through active learning and social interaction strategies
- S3C-CBC-2023 - Force based assembly autonomous learning
- SC-IBR-1 - AI-powered directional light unit for intelligent dentist chairs
- SWITCH - Learning by Switching Roles in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
- TACT-HAND - TACT-HAND: Improving control of prosthetic hands using tactile sensors and realistic machine learning