Speaker Identification Integrated Project

SIIP is a break-through Suspect Identification (SI) solution based on a novel SI engine fusing multiple speech analytic algorithms (e.g. voiceprints recognition, Gender/Age/Language/Accent ID, Keyword/ Taxonomy spotting and Voice cloning detection). This Fused Speaker Identification will result in significantly higher true-positive speaker identification, reduced False-Positives/Negatives while increasing reliability and confidence. SIIP analyzes rich metadata from the voice samples and social media. SIIP provides judicial admissible evidence for identifying crime/terror suspects as well as for mapping/ tracing the suspect terror/crime network. SIIP is crucial when individuals use Internet-based applications (e.g. VoIP or social media) to plan a crime or terrorist attack. The results of SIIP can easily be shared with relevant authorities based on a sustainable SIIP Info Sharing Center (SISC) located at INTERPOL. SISC guarantees an increased reliability of the identification results through advanced technologies and through voice samples checked against a large centralized database of samples collected by the 190 INTERPOL members (based on standard operating/data privacy procedures). SIIP multiplies the information sharing and cooperation in the LEA community and speeds up the use of speaker identification by LEAs in Europe not only for individual identification but also for authentication. SIIP runs on all speech sources (e.g. Internet, PSTN, Cellular and SATCOM) and uses the latest OSINT data mining applications to obtain and corroborate voice samples.The SIIP consortium consists of 17 partners bringing together end-users, SME’s, industrial and academic partners from a variety of fields including Speech analytics, Social Media Analytics, and Integration. To maximize its impact, SIIP will be designed, developed and tested with INTERPOL and police forces in the UK and Portugal, taking into account the various EU legal/ethical aspects and Interpol regulations.
Verint System Ltd
CASSIDIAN SAS, GREEN FUSION LIMITED (DATA FUSION INTERNATIONAL), International Biometric Group (UK) Limited, Idiap Research Institute, INOV INESC INOVACAO - INSTITUTO DE NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS, The International Criminal Police Organization, Loquendo SpA, LABORATORIO DI SCIENZE DELLA CITTADINANZA, Ministry of Justice, ok2go, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Hensoldt Analytics (previously Sail Labs Technology AG), SINGULARLOGIC ANONYMOS ETAIRIA PLIROFORIAKON SYSTIMATON & EFARMOGON PLIROFORIKIS, SYNTHEMA S.R.L., University of Warwick
FP7 (EU)
May 01, 2014
Apr 30, 2018