Recent work from the Machine Learning and Computer Vision communities is focusing on the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for the creation of synthetic face images with some level of control on semantic factors (pose, expression, illumination, age, gender, …). However, investigations on the use of these synthetic samples as a biometric trait (face identities) are still lacking. The CITeR project LEGAL2 is a continuation of the CITeR project LEGAL that will still be focused on i-) the generation of synthetic biometric face datasets with a novel approach and ii-) the usage of such datasets to train different Deep Learning-based face recognition architectures and to benchmark face recognition systems. The proposed approach aims to learn a mapping within the StyleGAN latent space conditioned by semantic factors such that the synthetized face minimizes both a reconstruction and an identity loss. 
Idiap Research Institute
Jan 01, 2023
Dec 31, 2023