Installation at Phänomena: The roles of AI and robotics for creative and artistic applications in both digital and physical worlds

Recent advances in generative AI and robotics have revolutionized the connection that people have with creativity and art. We propose an installation to shed light on the roles of AI and robotics in creative endeavors, aiming to generate bilateral discussions between the public and the scientific researchers. On the one hand, with new AI tools such as Midjourney or Dall-E, anyone can quickly create visual artistic renderings withjust a few words. On the other hand, robot manipulators are becoming increasingly accessible to non-specialized users, with user-friendly programming interfaces (no-code training of robots). These revolutions raise questions on the roles of AI and robotics in artistic and creative applications. Still, although AI and robotics are often presented jointly, the underlying challenges remain very different. To highlight this, our installation will combine both images generation and real robots, showing the additional challenges that it brings to control a robot to move in a physical world to reproduce a series of gestures to draw on a paper canvas. Two different facets of AI will thus be showcased: the digital/virtual world and the physical/real world. With this Agora project, we would like to initiate a discussion between scientists and the public about the role of science in the arts, and what modern AI and robotics technology can bring to different forms or arts, either digital or physical. This installation will consistof two parts, a first one where visitors can interact with a digital AI creation tool using their own body, and a second one where a robot will draw portraits of visitors. These two sides of the installation will be complemented with explanation describing how the digital art and the robot movements are generated, highlighting the technological progress behind recent widely available tools and what is the technology that can allow robots to perceive the world, interpret it and draw.Idiap, a research center of national importance dedicated to AI research in Switzerland, will team up with two project partners: Phänomena and Skyentific. Phänomena is a unique event in the form of a spectacular and sensual world of experience on the topics of humans, nature and science. At the core of Phänomena are around 20 key experiences developed innovatively with partners, distinct for their impact on the expected 1 million visitors. Gennady Plyushchev (Skyentific) is a science communicator and robotics expert.This project will be connecting the visitors’ representations and understanding of AI and robotics with research. First, our installation will enhance the understanding of science, by explaining and demonstrating the opportunities and limitations of current technologies, both in the digital realm and the physical one. Second, the installation will be highly interactive to serve as a dynamic and satisfying educational tool. Finally, through our multiple community engagement activities, we will foster stronger/in-depth discussions between the scientific community (both researchers and PhD students) and the public.
Idiap Research Institute
Jul 01, 2024
Dec 31, 2025