Innovative AppRoach to Urban Security

The IcARUS project seeks to facilitate a transformation in the application and utilisation of the knowledge base through the design of urban security policies. By rethinking tools for urban security policy, IcARUS project offers a unique opportunity to draw together the best evidence from urban security research and practice over the last 30 years to implement an integrated, evidence-based and multi-stakeholder approach to prominent urban security problems. Through a strategically designed process of co-production, IcARUS will integrate social and technological innovations to strengthen the strategic approach to urban security and therefore, promote a balanced vision of urban security, combining prevention, sanctions and social cohesion as mechanisms to encourage common approaches to security in the European Union. This project aims to transform the benefits to local communities in terms of urban security policies by engaging them as active co-producers of services rather than as passive recipients of public services alongside forms of multi-sectoral governance that deliver beneficial urban safety outcomes.
Forum Europeen Pour La Securite Urbaine
Ethical and Legal Plus S.L., Erasmus University Rotterdam, Eurocircle Association, Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH, Globaz SA, Idiap Research Institute, Greek Center for Security Studies, University of Leeds, Lisbon Municipal Police, Makesense, Commune de Nice, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Riga Municipal Police, City of Rotterdam, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, City of Torino, University of Salford
Sep 01, 2020
Aug 31, 2024