The primary aim of this project is to explore the design of computational models of gaze analysis methods to support questions asked in the Tutoring, AnimalMeaning and in the Inputfeatures tasks. The methods will be developed to handle both humans - primarily children - and great apes - especially chimpanzees. Although generic, the models will be customized to the data of ACQDIV UZH and to a new dataset of chimpanzees collected at Basel zoo. This project brings together the Idiap’s expertise in the design of computational models for gaze analysis with the domain knowledge of three NCCR partners: the ACQDIV group of Prof. S. Stoll at UZH and the Comparative Cognition group of Prof. K. Zuberbühler at UniNE and M. Schaer at UniGE. It will be supported by a concurrent innovation grant (IG) aiming at annotating great ape gaze behaviors and mutual attention in interactions.