FactCheck - Collaborative Fact Checking of Digital Media

FactCheck project addresses the critical challenge of distinguishing fact from fiction in the digital information space, exacerbated by the rapid spread of disinformation by social networks and advancements in generative AI. This project proposes to empower human fact checkers with AI-driven tools for analysis and verification of digital media content, including text, images, audio, and video. The project emphasizes a multimodal approach and the integration of AI with human expertise, ensuring that AI assists rather than replaces human judgment. The project consists of three phases: data collection of real and synthetic content across multiple modalities, applying baseline AI-based methods to the collected dataset for fake information detection, and refining AI models with human input. The goal of the project is to create a collaborative human-AI fact-checking toolkit and guidelines on using AI for fact checking that will enhance the accuracy and efficiency of identifying and countering fake information in today's complex digital landscape.
Idiap Research Institute
Hasler Stiftung (Hasler Foundation)
Jun 01, 2024
May 31, 2025