European Projects Horizon Europe
- ALIGNAI - value-ALIGNed socio-technical systems using large-language models (LLMs)
- CARMEN - CarMen
- CERTAIN - Certification for Ethical and Regulatory Transparency in Artificial Intelligence
- ELIAS - European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability
- ELOQUENCE - ELOQUENCE: Multilingual and Cross-cultural interactions for context-aware, and bias-controlled dialogue systems for safety-critical applications
- HURO - Leading in the brave new world: human - robot dynamics
- INTELLIMAN - AI-Powered Manipulation System for Advanced Robotic Service, Manufacturing and Prosthetics
- POPEYE - robust Privacy-preserving biOmetric technologies for Passengers’ identification and verification at EU external borders maximising the accuracY, reliability and throughput of the rEcognition
- SESTOSENSO - Physical Cognition for Intelligent Control and Safe Human-Robot Interaction
- TRACY - A big-data analyTics from base-stations Registrations And Cdrs e-evidence sYstem
Swiss National Science Foundation Projects
- AI4AUTISM2 - Digital Phenotyping of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children
- AIML-VISIT - Research Visit at the University of Adelaide: Advancing Our Understanding of Modern AI and Machine Learning Models
- BOVINE-2 - Nonparametric Variational Representation Learning for Natural Language Understanding
- CHASPEEPRO - Characterisation of motor speech disorders and processes (ChaSpeePro)
- COLLABCLOUD - A Collaborative Research Cloud Infrastructure powering Discovery and Exchange
- DISLING - Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages
- EMIL - Emotion in the loop – a step towards a comprehensive closed-loop deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
- EVOLANG - Evolving Language Phase 1
- EVOLANG-2 - Evolving Language Phase 2
- FAIRMI - FairMI - Machine Learning Fairness with Application to Medical Images
- KREATIV - Installation at Phänomena: The roles of AI and robotics for creative and artistic applications in both digital and physical worlds
- NEUMATH - NeuMath: Neural Discourse Inference over Mathematical Texts
- NEUROCIRT - Investigating the role of cytoplasmic intronic sequences in ALS pathogenesis
- NKBP - Deep Learning Models for Continual Extraction of Knowledge from Text
- PASS - PaSS - Pathological Speech Synthesis
- PAUSE - PAuSE: Pathological Speech Enhancement
- RATIONAL - Robust Augmented Retrieval for Natural Language Inference over Transformer-based Models
- SMILE-II - SMILE-II Scalable Multimodal sign language technology for sIgn language Learning and assessmEnt Phase-II
- STEADI - Storytelling and first impressions in face-to-face and algorithm-powered digital interviews
Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency
- BIPED - Biped - Self-driving technology to guide blind pedestrians
- IICT - Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies
- MAVERICK - MAVERICK: Maximum evidence platform for explainable predictions of risk
- PMPM - PmPm - Predictive Manufacturing Predictive Maintenance
- PRIMEAID - PRiMEAiD: Privacy-pReserving bioMetric idEntification for humAnitarian aid Distribution
- ROSALIND - Robust anti-fraud algorithms against malicious AI-generated face images and travel documents
- SEM24 - SEM24
- SENTINEL-UK - Securing Age Estimation and Digital IDs against Presentation and Injection Threats
- SINFONIA - SINFONIA: Social IntelligeNce FOr strategic aNticIpAtion
- SMART-DISPENSING - Smart Dispensing: Programming of a complex deposit task through learning from demonstration
SFOE - Swiss Federal Office of Energy
- CAD4IED - Computer assisted detection and grading of inflammatory eye diseases via fluorescein angiograms and novel biomarkers
- DREAM - Détection et Recherche pour les Ensembles d’Apprentissage sur les Motifs électroencéphalographiques
- EUROCONTROL - Integrate the Automatic Speech Recognition system with eDEP, ESCAPE and audiolan
- FACTCHECK - FactCheck - Collaborative Fact Checking of Digital Media
- FORESTS - Robust and Reliable Machine Learning for Forest Monitoring in the Valaisan Alps
- GAME - Gaze and attention modeling in Evolang
- MECHANIC - Automated End-To-End Mechanical Design Reasoning Supported by Large Language Models
- MELAS - Alternative Splicing and Polyadenylation from single-cell RNA sequencing towards tumor subpopulation identification in melanoma
- MELAS-KPI - Towards the development of predictive biomarkers for patient stratification and immunotherapy response in cancer
- OPENBEERS - Open-data for Building Energy Efficiency, Renovation and Storage
- PROTEAS - Preservation Of The Emotional Attributes of Speech
- SAFER - reSponsible fAir FacE Recognition (SAFER)
- UNDERSPEC-ROBUSTNESS - Addressing Underspecification for Improved Fairness and Robustness in Conversational AI