Medical Artificial Intelligence

The Medical Artificial Intelligence research group (MedAI) was established in 2018 with the primary objective of developing and applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to support clinical decision-making across various medical disciplines.

We leverage AI techniques, such as classification, segmentation, and object detection, on diverse types of medical data, including images, videos, functional exams, one-dimensional signals, and clinical information. By doing so, we aim to improve diagnosis accuracy, treatment planning, and patient care in areas like ophthalmology, radiology, and other specialties.

The group's research interests span a range of topics critical to the reliable application of AI in medicine. These include: developing accurate models for analyzing medical images; utilizing EEG and polysomnograph signals to diagnose neurological conditions; addressing demographic biases in AI-driven diagnoses; creating transparent and explainable AI models; ensuring model generalization, feature stability, and reproducibility; and exploring multimodal data fusion techniques to enhance clinical insights. Through these focused research efforts, we seek to establish a strong foundation for the safe, effective, and equitable integration of AI into healthcare
practices, ultimately improving patient outcomes and advancing medical knowledge.

Group News

"Reproducibility in Data Sciences: What, Why, and How"
research — last modified Apr 29, 2021

Our colleague André Anjos, head of our Biosignal Processing group, speaked during the IFI colloquium talks organized by the Department of Informatics of University of Zurich on April 29, 2021.

Analyzing biosignals using Artificial Intelligence
research — Aug 16, 2018

What if artificial intelligence could analyze an electro-cardiogram (ECG) or a medical image scan and highlight results that physicians should be looking at in priority? Thanks to signal and image processing, and machine learning techniques, that is the goal of the new Biosignal Processing Group at the Idiap Research Institute.

Idiap is looking for its next director
institute — Jan 14, 2022

Idiap Research Institute and the School of Engineering at EPFL invite applications for the directorship of Idiap. The successful candidate will also hold a faculty position as full professor at EPFL School of Engineering.

Group Job Openings

Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.

Current Group Members

The group is led by André Anjos.

(Research Scientist)
- website

JIMÉNEZ DEL TORO, Oscar (Alfonso)
(Postdoctoral Researcher)
- website

(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website

(Research Intern)

KOPP, Damian
(Research Intern)

(Research Intern)

(Research Intern)


Active Research Grants

Past Research Grants