Attracted to Idiap thanks to the Idiap Female Fellowship Researchers program, Raphaëlle Luisier has been promoted to permanent researcher at the Institute.
Genomics & Health Informatics
The Genomics & Health Informatics Group was created in 2019 to develop statistical and machine-learning methods to integrate genomic, clinical, and imaging data. The group aims to accelerate the diagnosis and improve the understanding and treatment of complex diseases such as neuro-degenerative disorders in collaboration with clinical neuroscientists. The group has expertise in genomics, bioinformatics, RNA biology, neuroscience, data science, and data visualization.
The current lines of research include:
1) the integration of longitudinal cellular imaging with genomic data to study how molecular biology shapes cellular morphology in neuro-degenerative diseases;
2) the development of machine learning methods to integrate longitudinal digital data with genomics to study how individual differences in motor and cognitive behaviors emerge and how such differences may confer vulnerability to neurodegenerative diseases.
In collaborating with clinicians and expert laboratories in molecular neuroscience and bioengineering, the group has access to unique high quality data including longitudinal RNA-sequencing (Patani laboratory, Francis Crick Institute, London) and time-lapse cellular imaging (Serio lab, Kings College, London) from motor neuron cultures obtained from healthy and sick donors.
Group News
Together we can leverage the power of AI to address key societal and industrial challenges!
Our warmest congratulations to Maxime Delitroz who (very) successfully defended his MSc thesis in September.
In July the GHI group went for his first summer walk at the Dorbon’s alpage above the stunning village of Derborence.
Bringing artificial intelligence and bioinformatics closer in Switzerland, Idiap and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) signed a collaboration agreement. By becoming a partner institution of SIB, Idiap ensures its groups active in bioinformatics benefit from SIB’s national network of expertise, while enabling the SIB to access its 30 years of experience in AI research.
Group Job Openings
Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.Our group is regularly posting job openings ranging from internships to researcher positions. To check the opportunities currently available or to submit a speculative applications use the link below.
Current Group Members
The group is led by Raphaëlle Luisier.
LUISIER, Raphaëlle
(Research Scientist)
- website
XU, Zhi Ming
(Postdoctoral Researcher)
- website
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website
(PhD Student / Research Assistant)
- website
(Research Intern)
- website
(Research Intern)
Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- BRADICIC, Manuel
- CHAMOT, Anna
- HAEFLIGER, Garance
- KOEHN, Edouard Erwan
- LOYE, Lena
- SCHNEUWLY, Christelle
- THONET, Mateo
- VERZAT, Colombine
Active Research Grants
- MELAS - Alternative Splicing and Polyadenylation from single-cell RNA sequencing towards tumor subpopulation identification in melanoma
- MELAS-KPI - Towards the development of predictive biomarkers for patient stratification and immunotherapy response in cancer
- NEUROCIRT - Investigating the role of cytoplasmic intronic sequences in ALS pathogenesis
Past Research Grants
Nothing to list