
The Institute organizes or co-organizes various types of workshops. Upcoming and past events are listed below.

Upcoming events

AI ValaisWallis Workshop 

April 14, 2025

The aim of Valais/Wallis Workshops on Artificiel Intelligence is to bring together engineers and researchers, from the Idiap Research Institute, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, EPFL Valais and other institutions, active in pattern analysis and machine intelligence and related applications in Security, Health or Energy.
The objective is to stimulate collaborations between research institutions in Valais.

Valais/Wallis AI Workshops is a joint initiative between the Idiap Research Institute and HES-SO Valais-Wallis.

More information @ AI ValaisWallis Workshop


Martigny Biometrics Workshop

May 19 to May 22, 2025

The European Association for Biometrics (EAB), the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and Idiap Research Institute are organising a 2-day biometrics workshop, hosted by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny Switzerland on May 19-20 2025, on the topics of Presentation/Morphing/Deepfake Attack Detection, Template Security, Foundation Models for Biometrics and Biometrics under the AI Act. This workshop is a third edition of the workshop on Presentation Attack Detection previously hosted at the Idiap Research Institute in 2020 and 2023.
The workshop will be co-located with the CITeR Spring 2025 Program Review.


Past workshops

EAB & CITeR Biometrics Workshop

April 18, 2023

The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) and the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) are organising a 2-day biometrics workshop, hosted by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny Switzerland on April 18-19 2023, on the topics of Bias mitigation, Template Security, Presentation Attack Detection and Deepfakes. This workshop is a second edition of the EAB workshop on Presentation Attack Detection previously hosted at the Idiap Research Institute in 2020.

The workshop will be co-located with the CITeR Spring 2023 Program Review and training events of the TReSPAsS-ETN and PriMa-ITN projects.

Organizers: The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in collaboration with the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and IDIAP

=> Program


Making Sense of ChatGPT - Understanding the technology, its limitations and opportunities

March 10, 2023

Recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) models such as ChatGPT have captured the imagination of the public on the recent advances of the field, sparking a debate on the potential applications and implications of this technology.

The event is dedicated to the discussion of Large Neural Language Models, the underlying framework behind systems such as ChatPGT. In the workshop we will aim to answer some critical questions about the principles behind these models and the associated challenges, emerging applications and opportunities that this technology brings.

The workshop is targeted towards academic and industrial participants willing to understand how these models work, their strengths, limitations and general societal impact.

=> Program

=> Webcast


Valais/Wallis AI Workshop 8th edition: AI & Medecine

May 2, 2022

The aim of Valais/Wallis Workshops on Artificial Intelligence is to bring together engineers and researchers active in pattern analysis and machine intelligence with related applications in Security, Health or Energy. This workshop is organized in partnership with The Sense academic center.

=> Program


Valais/Wallis AI Workshop 7th edition: Energy in all its artificial states

November 15, 2021

The aim of Valais/Wallis Workshops on Artificial Intelligence is to bring together engineers and researchers active in pattern analysis and machine intelligence with related applications in Security, Health or Energy.

=> Webcast


Valais/Wallis AI Workshop 6th edition: AI for Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences

November 18, 2019

=> Program


Valais/Wallis AI Workshop 5th edition: Interpreting Machine Learning

May 3, 2019

Machine learning has become an integral part of many fields of research and has achieved considerable success. Despite continued advancements made, it is not always explainable: (a) what information is the machine learning from the data? and (b) how is the machine making the decisions? The 5th edition of Valais/Wallis AI workshop focuses on these questions by engaging researchers from various fields through presentations and discussions.

=> Webcast