
Best Paper Award for the Dr Sylvain Calinon
by admin — last modified Jul 18, 2017 05:08 PM

Dr Sylvain Calinon received the 2017 Best Paper Award of the Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR) journal for his article "A Tutorial on Task-Parameterized Movement Learning and Retrieval".

Idiap Speaker Series : 'Multilingual speech recognition in under-resourced environments' (Webcast now available).
by admin — last modified Oct 06, 2017 02:57 PM

When speech processing systems are designed for use in multilingual environments, additional complexity is introduced. Identifying when language switching has occurred, predicting how cross-lingual terms will be pronounced, obtaining sufficient speech data from diverse language backgrounds: such factors all complicate the development of practical speech-oriented systems. In this talk, I will discuss our research group's experience in building speech recognition systems for the South African environment, one in which 11 official languages are recognised. I will also show how this relates to our participation in the BABEL project, a recent 5-year international collaborative project aimed at solving the spoken term detection task in under-resourced languages.

Idiap Speaker Series : 'Charisma: Measurement and outcomes' (Webcast now available).
by admin — last modified May 15, 2017 04:17 PM

Charisma has been devilishly difficult to measure; there has also been a dearth of studies estimating the causal impact of charisma on outcomes. In this seminar I will use a new definition of charisma to demonstrate how it can be manipulated, and will also show the economic impact of charisma on worker productivity. Moreover, I will discuss how charisma can be coded from archival data, and demonstrate its utility for predicting a range of outcomes including winning the U.S. presidential election, the amount of views on TED talks, and retweets of tweets.

Understanding how technology can revolutionize humanitarian work
by admin — last modified May 12, 2017 06:01 PM

A new EPFL course offers students the opportunity to learn more about how new technologies can be used by humanitarian organizations. The students critically assessed new information-sharing methods by conducting a real-life exercise using the app Civique, which was developed by the Idiap Research Institute, an EPFL partner institution.

A more secure biometric authentication system
by admin — last modified Apr 25, 2017 07:01 PM

Now EPFL's Security and Cryptography Laboratory and the startup Global ID have developed an even more secure identification system that processes data more safely than current standards and that leverages 3D vein imaging technology developed by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny, the University of Applied Sciences in Sion (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) and Global ID.

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Biometrics and Privacy
by admin — last modified Apr 04, 2017 04:30 PM

Idiap created in collaboration with UniDistance a new Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) program. The goal of this program is to teach concepts and technologies in the area of Biometrics and Privacy and to provide students with a full understanding of data protection, privacy preservation, compliance with privacy regulations and potential privacy losses.

Maya glyph analysis on Horizons Magazine
by admin — last modified Apr 03, 2017 02:11 PM

The work by R. Hu, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez on extraction of Maya hieroglyph strokes was covered by Horizons Magazine, the scientific magazine of the SNSF and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.

Valais/Wallis AI Workshop - Reproducibility in research
by admin — last modified Apr 03, 2017 02:12 PM

The aim of Valais/Wallis Workshops on Artificial Intelligence is to bring together engineers and researchers, from the Idiap Research Institute, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, EPFL Valais and other institutions, active in pattern analysis and machine intelligence and related applications in Security, Health or Energy.

Sécurité biométrique: Martigny séduit les Etats-Unis
by admin — last modified Mar 17, 2017 09:04 AM

L’institut de recherche Idiap de Martigny et son Centre suisse de recherche et d’évaluation en sécurité biométrique ont intégré deux programmes phares du gouvernement américain. Odin et MediFor ont pour mission de lutter contre le "spoofing" et de démasquer la propagande. Les explications de Sébastien Marcel, directeur du centre, interrogé par Anne Baecher.

L’Idiap financé par les Américains pour ses travaux sur la biométrie
by admin — last modified Mar 16, 2017 05:05 PM

Nouvelle étape pour l’Idiap de Martigny: l’institut vient d’intégrer deux projets phare du gouvernement américain dédié à la sécurité biométrique, il fait partie d’un groupe de quatre équipes qui travailleront sur ODIN….un système contre ce qu’on appelle le spoofing.

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