IM2 Summer Institute 2009

This year, the IM2 Summer Institute will be held in Chavannes-de-Bogis (Best Western Hotel) from the 31st of August until the 2nd of September.

The first day will be dedicated entirely to the second phase (2006-2009) of the project. After the welcome and overview of the second phase, the key achievements of ongoing individual projects will be presented by the IP Heads. The day will finish with presentations by some PhD and PostDoc students who will talk in more detail about their scientific results.

The second and third day will focus on the third, and last, phase of IM2 (2010-2013). 0n Tuesday, after visiting CERN, the global objectives of the next period will be outlined and the two new partners, Prof. J. Sauer and Prof. P. Dillenbourg, will have the opportunity to introduce themselves.

Finally, Wednesday will start with a poster session which will foster discussions and exchanges of ideas. Then there will be three parallel brainstorming sessions: two sessions are dedicated to outlining potential applications for the third phase and one session is dedicated to developing a strategy for keeping the IM2 community alive after the end of the project.

More information is available at: