Hands-on introduction to Bob and Python at Idiap

A hands-on introduction to Bob and Python will take place at Idiap on January 30th between 2-4pm. Free places are still available.

Before the Christmas break 2012, around 30 Idiapers expressed their interest in an introduction to Python and Bob.

Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute. The toolbox is written in a mix of Python and C++ and is designed to be both efficient and reduce development time.

Following this popular demand, a hands-on course on the subject will be run at Idiap (conference room) on January 30, 2013 between 2-4pm.

Free places are still available. Join the course by filling-in the poll below till Monday, January 28th


 "This starter course will be recorded and will be made available along with course material at https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Bob-Starter-Course
