Alexandre Heili new Phd Student
Alexandre Heili comes from France. He has joined Idiap on the 1st of February to begin a PhD under the supervision of Dr Jean-Marc Odobez. He will work on surveillance data and try to develop new algorithms and models for analyzing and understanding human behaviour in public open spaces, in the context of the VANAHEIM (Video/Audio Networked surveillance system enhAncement through Human-cEntered adaptIve Monitoring) project.
Before coming to Martigny, He has studied at the ENSPS -Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Strasbourg- which is a French engineering school and obtained my MSc from UdS -Universite de Strasbourg. He took the opportunity to do several internships in various domains: Astrophysics at the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg, Signal Processing at Imperial College, London and Computer Science at the University of Houston, Texas.