
We are proud that our partners and visitors can speak for us to illustrate what makes our strength.


“AI boosts our production tools’ performances. Thanks to the collaboration with Idiap, we implemented a visual recognition project to control the quality of our products.”

Jacques Thomasset

R&D director at AISA Automation Industrielle SA 


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“During my visit at Idiap, I appreciated the most understanding how to communicate with robots and how to change a code.”


11 years old, participated to the girls in STEM day at Idiap


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“The Swiss Federal Communications Commission, ComCom, represents Switzerland in international telecommunications regulatory bodies. Networks are critical infrastructures for society. The economy and education depend on them. Security and privacy are at the heart of discussions, especially since the emergence of artificial intelligence in the public debate. Idiap's Biometrics & Privacy department has helped to enrich the discussion on protecting children online by sharing research results that I had the pleasure of presenting at the meeting of regulators invited by the ITU in 2023. The demonstration of concrete solutions was particularly appreciated by this very large international audience.”

Dr. Adrienne Corboud Fumagalli

President of Federal Communication Commission, ComCom 


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“Forensic science is taking advantage of biometric techniques to support investigations, security, and justice. In this context, Idiap, through its Biometrics Security & Privacy group, provides a unique expertise in the assessment of threats, the evaluation of biometric systems, and the ethical implications of using such technologies. The future of forensic science, policing and the justice system as a whole, will increasingly rely on artificial intelligence systems. Idiap is the visionary institution that anticipated these societal changes years ago, and we hope to continue benefiting from their globally-recognized expertise in the years to come.”

Prof. Christophe Champod

Directeur de l’Ecole des Sciences Criminelles de l’Université de Lausanne 


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“Our collaboration with Idiap has been invaluable. We have the business knowledge and the ability to collect large amounts of data, Idiap provided the AI expertise needed to quickly arrive at a solution.”

Jerome Corre

CTO, 3D2cut 


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“The interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers from Idiap (Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez, Social Computing Group, and Dr. Philip Garner, Speech Processing Group) has helped to advance my own research domain, the field of social and work and organizational psychology, by integrating automatic detection of nonverbal and verbal behavior from videos into the study of job interview behavior.”

Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast

Dean, HEC, University of Lausanne 


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“Idiap has been a partner of SICPA for a number of years. The institute is globally renowned for its high quality contribution in many scientific and technical domains, pushing the frontiers of scientific knowledge while at the same time, remaining very well connected and applied to real life issues. In that regards, we have been collaborating with Idiap on multiple topics revolving around biometrics security and privacy, topics which are of paramount importance in some of our key businesses.”

Aurélien Commeureuc

Head of Innovation Management, SICPA (Switzerland) 


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“We have relied on the expertise of Idiap in the development of robust AI based age estimation technology using biometric markers like facial and voice patterns. Idiap excels in the state-of-the art in anti-spoofing technology and as part of a joint Innosuisse project we have integrated their knowhow in our design and development to deliver an industry leading and fully privacy preserving age assurance solution unparalleled in the industry.”

Deepak Tewari

CEO, Privately SA 


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“The fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality and independence are crucial for the ICRC. Our capacity to fulfil our mandate depends on them. The ICRC, like many other organisations, today rely a lot on technology and we need to develop partnerships in this area. Some technologies may expose affected populations to serious harm if risks are not properly mitigated and the ICRC need to rely on cutting edge research centers to develop the mitigation strategies. This must be done in compliance with our fundamental principles and we have developed a very strong network of partnership in the broad academic sector where independence is better represented. Idiap is an important member of the ICRC network of partners and a leader in the Biometrics Security and Privacy sector. They have a unique offering that combines cutting edge expertise, vast experience and the capacity to deliver beyond pure academic research. In other words, they can make an impact in a domain that is extremely relevant to the ICRC and to the humanitarian sector.
We are very much looking forward to continue and reinforce our collaboration in the years to come.”

Vincent Graf Narbel

Head of Tech Hub, Data Protection Office, Executive Office of the Director-General, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 


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“We (Gendarmerie Nationale) are particularly satisfied by our collaboration in artificial intelligence, particularly in the fields of biometrics and the development of trusted AI. Given the wide range of its activities, the Gendarmerie needs to work on identification systems in the sensitive field of criminal investigation, both in terms of identification and the fight against deepfakes. In addition, the perspective of the Olympic Games underlines the importance to work on privacy because even if biometrics is so important to protect people, it is also essential for us to keep in mind theses questions of individual freedom. The publications I've had the pleasure of reading, and the work we did, bear witness to Idiap's high level of expertise in this field.
Furthermore, as we are particularly concerned with the notions of transparency and explicability of our algorithms, the work you are doing in the field of trusted AI is also of particular interest to us.
To date, Idiap's level of expertise in these fields is particularly high, if not unique, this is the reason why it's so interesting for us to collaborate with you.”

General Patrick Perrot

Coordonateur pour l'intelligence artificielle, Gendarmerie Nationale française 


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