Idiap governance and operational management are presented in the diagrams below.
Governance Structure
Operational Management
Bodies represented in the diagrams above can also be divided accordingly to our main missions, i.e. research, technology transfert & education.
Scientific college
Chaired by Michael Liebling, senior researcher
Composed of 4 senior research scientists, with or without academic titles, appointed by the Research committee. Its main mission is to assist the management and to collectively steer the scientific activities of the institute, maximizing its quality and impact at the national and international level.
Research committee
Chaired by Andrea Cavallaro, director
Composed of the director, professors, MERs and all other Idiap lead scientists, as well as members of the Administrative college. Its main mission is to ensure the optimal flow of information between management, scientific staff and administration.
Data and research ethics committee
Chaired by Jean-Marc Odobez, senior researcher
Composed of a minimum of 4 members (2 administrative members, 2 lead scientists). Its main mission is to provide an informal recommendation from an ethical point of view. The committee becomes involved when opinion from Idiap is required for a project on an institutional level.
Technology transfer
Patent committee
Chaired by Joël Dumoulin, technology transfer officer
Composed of 4 people: 2 management, TTo, 1 researcher. Its main mission is to analyze internal patent applications.
Two steering committees are involved in our Institute's commitments for education:
- Idiap-EPFL
- Idiap-UniDistance
Strategy & administration
Foundation council
Chaired by Anne-Laure Couchepin Vouilloz, President of the City of Martigny
Composed of a minimum of 7 people, including 2 EPFL and 2 UNIGE representatives. Its main mission is to ensure that the goals of the Foundation are respected and achieved. The Foundation council takes the necessary strategic measures to this end.
Scientific advisory board
Chaired by Scientific advisory board member
The board is set up by the Institute's management, with ratification by the Foundation council. Its main mission, as an advisory body, is to provide support and advice to the Foundation council and management, particularly in the areas of research, training and technology transfer.
Composed of 3 people: director, deputy director, financial manager.
College admin
Chaired by Foglia François, deputy director
Composed of the deputy director, financial manager, head of system & infrastructure group, head of the research & development engineers group, members of the program management group, head of marketing & communications, head of the legal service, technology transfert officer, two researchers representatives. Its main mission is to cope with day-to-day administrative and service affairs.