The Idiap Research Institute announces the winners of ICC 2024.

The Idiap Research Institute is proud to announce the winners of the 13th edition of the Idiap Create Challenge (ICC), which took place from August 20 to 28. This hackathon, fully dedicated to artificial intelligence, brought together international developers and innovators eager to turn their ideas into prototypes.

After nine days of creation and mentoring, team Steply, composed of Phoebe Wong, Sergio Burdisso, Robert Bennett, and Srikanth Madikeri, won this edition with a project aimed at improving management in call centers.

Additionally, the BCVs Innovation Challenge, dedicated to fintech projects and with a prize of 5,500 CHF, was awarded to team LEX —Aurore Jenni, Mirela Dubravac, Tobias Liechti, and Yannick Dittrich—for their project aimed at simplifying work within the Swiss legal system.

All participants had the chance to leverage Idiap’s resources to bring their projects to life and address various contemporary societal challenges. With the support of the institute's experts, they transformed their ideas into prototypes in just nine days. Between hacking sessions and workshops, they also explored and experienced the Valais and Martigny regions, enjoying a comprehensive, 360-degree experience.

Professor Andrea Cavallaro, Director of Idiap, stated: "We were deeply impressed by the exceptional quality of the projects presented this year. They demonstrate just how dynamic and committed the AI community is to creating a better world. We are proud to contribute to this positive momentum and look forward to seeing the concrete impacts of these projects very soon."

For more information on the projects and the results of ICC 2024, please visit our LinkedIn page