LTC 2015 Best Student Paper Award for Marzieh Razavi, Ph.D. student at Idiap/EPFL.
The Language and Technology conference is a biannual conference which aims to address Human Language Technology as a challenge for computer science, linguistics and related fields.
[LTC 2015] was held in Poznan, Poland, November 27-29, 2015. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Language and Technology Conference was accompanied by analyzing the influence of language technologies on less-resourced languages over two decades through the LRL workshop.
During LTC 2015, three special awards were granted to the best student papers, based on anonymous paper review. One of the awards was given to Mrs. Marzieh Razavi for the paper entitled “Pronunciation Lexicon Development for Under-Resourced Languages Using Automatically Derived Subword Units: A Case Study on Scottish Gaelic”, and co-authored by Ramya Rasipuram and Mathew Magimai Doss. Development of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis systems typically requires a well developed phonetic dictionary, which may not be available, in particular for under-resourced languages. The paper investigates a method to derive "phone-like" automatic subword units and generate associated pronunciations for truly under-resourced languages. The paper presents a case study on Scottish Gaelic. More information about the paper and the award can be found here:
- The paper, Pronunciation Lexicon Development for Under-Resourced Languages Using Automatically Derived Subword Units: A Case Study on Scottish Gaelic
- The award,
Congratulations to all the authors for this achievement.
Webpages of the authors: [Marzieh Razavi] | [Dr. Ramya Rasipuram] | [Dr. Mathew Magimai-Doss]