Idiap Research Institute has organized two workshops dedicated to kids.
On the Wednesday afternoons of December 22, 2010 and January 26, 2011, Idiap has organized two workshops with 23 kids coming from the association AVPEHP (Association Valaisanne de Parents d'Enfants à Haut Potentiel).
During the workshop, the kids of the age of 9 to 13 years old have welded together a programmable robot kit (, whereas the youngest, ~ 5 years old, have put together a small electrical circuit proposed by KIDSInfo, a project of the ASFI (l’Association Suisse des Femmes Ingénieures) .
The kids were also invited to visit the Idiap showroom and on this occasion allowed them to discover the Idiap research technologies.
As can be seen from the picture, the kids have also been fascinated by the Tai Shi demonstration of the robot Nao which has been programmed at Idiap (
All the kids left for home with their device and look like they where very happy with the time passed at Idiap. Maybe some of them will come back in a few years to challenge new activities in the field of Human & Media Computing?!