All Biometrics Group News

Sébastien Marcel receives IEEE fellowship elevation
by admin — last modified Feb 13, 2025 03:38 PM

Sébastien Marcel, senior scientist at Idiap, has been elevated to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2025. The IEEE fellowship testifies “the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society”[1].

World leaders in biometrics met at Idiap
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Apr 26, 2023 05:52 PM

Idiap hosted a Biometrics Week. This one of a kind event gathered several hundreds of people from various backgrounds ranging from academia to industry. Organizers included the European Association for Biometrics and the US based Center for Identification Technology Research.

Idiap is looking for its next director
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Nov 11, 2024 09:30 AM

Idiap Research Institute and the School of Engineering at EPFL invite applications for the directorship of Idiap. The successful candidate will also hold a faculty position as full professor at EPFL School of Engineering.

Fake faces for more ethics in biometrics
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Oct 12, 2021 09:38 AM

The lack of representativity in databases used to train facial recognition tools often creates biases. Creating a repository of fake faces can resolve these biases. Financed by the Hasler Foundation and under the supervision of Idiap Research Institute, the SAFER project gathers the University of Zurich and the company SICPA.

Idiaper appointed Professor at the University of Lausanne
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Aug 30, 2021 11:37 AM

Head of the Biometrcs security & privacy research group at Idiap, Sébastien Marcel was appointed Professor at School of Criminal Justice (Ecole des Sciences Criminelles) of the University of Lausanne from September 1st. His nomination is strengthening an already deep rooted collaboration between the two institutions.

Major Bob release
by Maxime Bourlard — last modified May 26, 2021 02:56 PM

This release brings many changes and some packages have been completely re-written.

Android accredits Idiap's biometrics center
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Oct 21, 2020 11:45 AM

To face the increasing use of biometrics systems, Android set up its own certification standard. The biometrics center of Idiap became accredited to deliver certificates meeting these standards. This competence builds up on the FIDO accreditation obtained in 2019.

Sanitary and cyber precautions, a key challenge for hospitals
by nicolas-filippov — last modified Apr 28, 2020 09:38 AM

With one million Swiss francs budget and supported by the Innosuisse agency, the CANDY project will develop and patent a contact-less scanner allowing to identify people using the venous patterns of their hands. The project is a collaboration between the Global ID start-up and Idiap Research Institute.

Idiap becomes the world’s third biometrics certification center
by admin — last modified May 15, 2019 10:28 AM

The reference in authentication standards, the FIDO Alliance has confirmed the accreditation of Idiap’s Biometrics Center as only the third member of a what remains a very exclusive club, placing it at the heart of those security issues that make up the sensitive and fast-growing domain of biometric certification.

Idiap spin-off KeyLemon acquired by ams
by admin — last modified Feb 09, 2018 10:46 AM

On Monday Feb 6th, ams, a worldwide supplier of high performance sensor solutions, announced the acquisition of KeyLemon for an undisclosed amount [1].

A more secure biometric authentication system
by admin — last modified Apr 25, 2017 07:01 PM

Now EPFL's Security and Cryptography Laboratory and the startup Global ID have developed an even more secure identification system that processes data more safely than current standards and that leverages 3D vein imaging technology developed by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny, the University of Applied Sciences in Sion (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) and Global ID.

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Biometrics and Privacy
by admin — last modified Apr 04, 2017 04:30 PM

Idiap created in collaboration with UniDistance a new Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) program. The goal of this program is to teach concepts and technologies in the area of Biometrics and Privacy and to provide students with a full understanding of data protection, privacy preservation, compliance with privacy regulations and potential privacy losses.

Sécurité biométrique: Martigny séduit les Etats-Unis
by admin — last modified Mar 17, 2017 09:04 AM

L’institut de recherche Idiap de Martigny et son Centre suisse de recherche et d’évaluation en sécurité biométrique ont intégré deux programmes phares du gouvernement américain. Odin et MediFor ont pour mission de lutter contre le "spoofing" et de démasquer la propagande. Les explications de Sébastien Marcel, directeur du centre, interrogé par Anne Baecher.

L’Idiap financé par les Américains pour ses travaux sur la biométrie
by admin — last modified Mar 16, 2017 05:05 PM

Nouvelle étape pour l’Idiap de Martigny: l’institut vient d’intégrer deux projets phare du gouvernement américain dédié à la sécurité biométrique, il fait partie d’un groupe de quatre équipes qui travailleront sur ODIN….un système contre ce qu’on appelle le spoofing.