William DROZ
Github profile here
Short Biography
I’ve been programming since 2004 and I got my master degree in software engineering in 2015. I worked as a research assistant at He-arc Ingénierie until 2018. I'm now working as a Research and Development Engineer at Idiap. With my work, I have the opportunity to play with some cutting edge technologies, like Pytorch, Tensorflow and Spark.
- Machine learning
- Python
- Databases (both SQL and noSQL)
- Tools (git, bash, Gnu/Linux, Docker, Docker-compose, ssh, gRPC)
- Others (Distributed computing, Optimization, Back-end)
Ongoing projects
- BlazingBoard – website To train to type fast! I used Rust fullstack (backend+frontend) by using dioxus
- noabspath: Detect hard-coded absolute paths in your codebases.
- check_urls: Verify the validity of URLs inside your files.
Works projects
- WeNet: Develop the culture, science, and engineering methodologies, algorithms, social interaction protocols for an online platform that will empower machine-mediated diversity-aware interactions between people.
- personal-context-builder
- realtime
- dnd-web - web app with Flutter and Rust
- activities-predictor - Detect activities for the wenet users
Generalization and Personalization of Mobile Sensing-Based Mood Inference Models:
An Analysis of College Students in Eight Countries
Complex daily activities, country-level diversity, and smartphone sensing: A study
in denmark, italy, mongolia, paraguay, and uk
Smart adaptive run parameterization (SArP): enhancement of user manual selection
of running parameters in fluid dynamic simulations using bio-inspired and machine-learning …
Keep Sensors in Check: Disentangling Country-Level Generalization Issues in Mobile
Sensor-Based Models with Diversity Scores