Development Engineer. Software development in embeded Linux. Participation to many Open Source projects ( Waba, PicoGUI, BlueZ ). Responsible of the software development of the product Zukero.
Development Engineer in quality department. Responsible of the development and utilization of the automatic data acquisition system. Responsible of the data processing system for continuous improvement of the industrial processes. Monitoring statistics of the technical processes for manufacturing and control.
Development and Automation Engineer. Development of industrial systems controlling process for aluminum smelters. Design and implementation of user interfaces used to control processes and improving quality. Participation of commissioning and support to clients (Belgium, Island, USA). Responsible of the network infrastructure of the automation section of the department.
Test Engineer in the installation of new digital telephone exchange.
Engineer in Computer Science, EINEV (Ecole d’INgénieurs de l’Etat de Vaud), electrical department, computer science section.
Federal certificate of capacity, electronics in radio and television.