Contributing to the Bob Project

We’re really glad you’d like to join the Bob team! To make a contribution to Bob, we suggest you follow this procedure:

  1. Fork the Bob git repository following the GitHub instructions here: Fork A Repo
  2. Make your changes and/or implement new functionality following the guide: Bob Development
  3. Ensure that your code:
  • follows the coding guidelines (see Python coding guidelines and C++ coding guidelines)
  • compiles without problems!
  • is accompanied by extensive documentation.
  • is accompanied by unit tests. New code is not acceptable otherwise. If you are contributing a bug fix, you should supply a new unit test that fails before applying the fix and passes after applying the fix.
  1. Make a pull request following the GitHub instructions here: Send pull requests.

Making a pull request will send your contribution to the Bob project maintainers, who will review the contribution and decide whether to pull it into the official Bob git repository.

Thanks for contributing to Bob!