Training CNN using Cross Modal Focal Loss

This section describes the RGB-D face PAD network with the new loss function described in the publication. It is strongly recommended to check the publication for better understanding of the described work-flow. The multi-head architecture is referred to as RGBD-MH in the rest of the documentation.


For the experiments discussed in this section, the HQ-WMCA dataset needs to be downloaded and installed in your system. Please refer to Executing Baseline Algorithms section in the documentation of bob.pad.face package for more details on how to run the face PAD experiments and setup the databases.

For reproducing the experiments with RGBD-MH architecture and CMFL. There are mainly four stages. Each of them are described here.

Preprocessing data


If you have already downloaded the RGB-D preprocessed files, you can skip this preprocessing stage and move on to the next stage. If you have acquired the raw data, then you need to do this step to ensure the preprocessing is done.

The dataloader for training the network assumes the data is already preprocessed, meaning face detection and cropping and cropped face regions of resolution 224x224 are stacked, i.e., RGB-D forming a multi-channel image of size 4x224x224. The preprocessing can be done with bob pad vanilla-pad script from the environment. The preprocessed files are stored in the location <PREPROCESSED_FOLDER>. Each file in the preprocessed folder contains .hdf5 files which contains a VideoLikeContainer with each frame being a multichannel image with dimensions NUM_CHANNELSxHxW.

First, download the file consisting of the protocols.

./bin/ hqwmca download

Now, we can launch the following script to do the preprocessing. Please inspect the configuration files to set the protocol names and paths to store the results.

    ./bin/bob pad vanilla-pad \
-d config/DB/ \
-p config/Preprocessor/ \
-f transform \

After this stage, the preprocessed files will be available in <PIPELINE_FOLDER>, which is notated from here onwards as <PREPROCESSED_FOLDER>. Running the pipeline generates the preprocessed files for other protocols as well since this protocol is a superset of other protocols.

Training the CNN Model with CMFL

Once the preprocessing is done, the next step is to train the CNN architecture. All the parameters required to train the model are defined in the configuration file file. The file should contain atleast the network definition and the dataset class to be used for training. It can also define the transforms, channels, data augmentation, training parameters such as number of epochs, learning rate and so on. However, before training set the correct paths in this configuration files.

Once the config file is defined, training the network can be done with the following code:

./bin/ \                   # script used for CNN training
config/Method/ \ # configuration file defining the network, loss, database, and training parameters
-vv                                      # set verbosity level

People in Idiap can benefit from GPU cluster, running the training as follows:

jman submit --queue gpu \                      # submit to GPU queue (Idiap only)
--name <NAME_OF_EXPERIMENT> \                  # define the name of th job (Idiap only)
--log-dir <FOLDER_TO_SAVE_THE_RESULTS>/logs/ \ # substitute the path to save the logs to (Idiap only)
--environment="PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1" -- \        #
./bin/ \                         # script used for CNN training
config/Method/ \       # configuration file defining the MCCNN network, database, and training parameters
--use-gpu \                                    # enable the GPU mode
-vv                                            # set verbosity level

For a more detailed documentation of functionality available in the training script, run the following command:

./bin/ --help   # note: remove ./bin/ if buildout is not used

Please inspect the corresponding configuration file, config/Method/ for example, for more details on how to define the database, network architecture and training parameters.

The protocols, and channels used in the experiments can be easily configured in the configuration file.


Set the corresponding paths in the configuration file (config/Method/ before launching the CNN training.

Running experiments with the trained model

The trained model file can be used with the vanilla-pad Pipeline to run PAD experiments. A dummy algorithm is added to forward the scalar values computed as the final scores. Please make sure that the path to preprocessed files, annotations, protocol and the CNN model path is updated in the config/Method/ file in the following step.

./bin/bob pad vanilla-pad \
/bob/paper/cross_modal_focal_loss_cvpr2021/config/Method/ \
-o <folder_to_save_results> -vvv

Similarly experiments can be repeated for all the protocols.


People at idiap cal use -l sge flag to make the computation faster using the grid.

Evaluating results

To evaluate the models run the following command.

./bin/bob pad metrics -e -c apcer100 -r attack <folder_to_save_results>/scores-{dev,eval}

Using pretrained models


The training of models have some randomness associated with even with all the seeds set. The variations could arise from the platforms, versions of pytorch, non-deterministic nature in GPUs and so on. You can go through the follwing link on how to achive best reproducibility in PyTorch PyTorch Reproducibility. If you wish to reproduce the exact same results in the paper, we suggest you to use the pretrained models shipped with the package. The pretrained models can be downloaded from Download Models for HQ-WMCA. Also Download models for WMCA.