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Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64osx-64noarch Summary
auto-intersphinx 1.0.4.dev14+ga BSD-3-Clause X Automatic links direct project dependencies to the intersphinx catalog
beat.backend.python 1.7.15 BSD XX Python Backend for the BEAT Platform
beat.cmdline 1.10.3 BSD XX Command-line client for the BEAT platform
beat.core 1.13.5 BSD XX Core modules and definitions for the BEAT platform 0.3.2b0 BSD-3-Clause X BEAT documentation aggregation repository
beat.editor 2.0.4 GPLv3 XX Local editor for BEAT objects
bob 12.1.2b0 doc dev BSD XXX Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally...
bob.ap 2.1.14b0 BSD XX Bob's audio processing utilities 8.1.2b0 BSD XXX Tools for running biometric recognition experiments 0.0.1b0 BSD XX Tools for running face recognition experiments with demographic features 8.0.2b0 BSD XXX Tools for running face recognition experiments 4.0.2b0 BSD XX Tools for running biometric recognition experiments using GMM-based... 5.0.2b0 GPLv3 XXX Tools for running speaker recognition experiments 5.0.2b0 GPLv3 XXX Vein Recognition Library 7.0.2b0 BSD XXX Run biometric recognition algorithms on videos
bob.blitz 2.0.25b0 BSD XX Bindings for Blitz++ (a C++ array template library)
bob.buildout 2.3.1b0 BSD XX A collection of zc.buildout recipes for Bob packages
bob.core 2.2.9b0 BSD XX Logging and RNG for Bob
bob.db.arface 2.1.11b0 BSD XX AR Face Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.asvspoof 1.2.6b0 BSD XX ASVspoof Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.asvspoof2017 1.1.6b0 BSD XX ASVspoof2017 Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.atnt 2.0.19b0 BSD XX ATNT/ORL Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.atvskeystroke 2.1.12b0 BSD XX ATVS-Keystroke Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.base 3.2.1b0 BSD XX Bob's Basic Database API
bob.db.casia_fasd 2.0.11b0 BSD-3-Clause XX CASIA Face Anti-Spoofing Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.casiasurf 1.0.4b0 BSD XX Bob Database interface for the CASIA-SURF database
bob.db.cbsr_nir_vis_2 2.0.8b0 BSD XX CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 Face Database API files for Bob
bob.db.cuhk_cufs 2.2.8b0 BSD XX CUHK Face Sketch Database (CUFS)
bob.db.cuhk_cufsf 1.0.7b0 BSD XX CUHK Face Sketch FERET Database (CUFSF)
bob.db.fargo 1.0.6b0 BSD XX Bob Database interface for the FARGO database
bob.db.fv3d 1.1.7b0 BSD XX 3D Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.gbu 2.1.11b0 BSD XX Database Access API of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (GBU) image...
bob.db.hkpu 0.0.6b0 BSD XX Hong Kong Polytechnic University Finger Image Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.hmtvein 0.0.5b0 BSD XX SDUMLA - Homologous Multimodal Traits (Fingervein) Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.hqwmca 0.0.1b0 GNU XX Database Interface for HQ-WMCA
bob.db.ijbc 1.0.5b0 BSD XX IJB-C Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.iris 2.1.10b0 BSD XX Bob access API for Fisher's Iris Flower Dataset
bob.db.kboc16 2.1.6b0 BSD XX KBOC16 Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.ldhf 1.0.5b0 BSD XX Long Distance Heterogeneous Face Database (LDHF-DB)
bob.db.lfw 2.1.12b0 BSD XX Labeled Faces in the Wild Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.livdet2013 2.1.6b0 BSD XX LivDet 2013 Fingerprint database access for Bob
bob.db.maskattack 0.0.6b0 BSD XX 3DMAD Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.mmcbnu6k 0.0.5b0 BSD XX Multimedia Laboratory - Chonbuk Nation University Fingervein Database...
bob.db.mnist 2.2.9b0 BSD XX MNIST Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.mobio 2.2.7b0 BSD XX MOBIO Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.multipie 2.1.11b0 BSD XX Multi-PIE Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.nivl 1.0.6b0 BSD XX Near-Infrared and Visible-Light (NIVL) Dataset
bob.db.pola_thermal 1.0.6b0 BSD XX Polarimetric Thermal Database
bob.db.putvein 1.3.7b0 BSD XX PUT Vein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.replay 3.0.10b0 BSD XX Replay Attack Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.replaymobile 1.1.10b0 BSD XX Replay-Mobile Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.thufvdt 0.0.5b0 BSD XX Tsinghua University Finger Vein and Finger Dorsal Texture Database...
bob.db.utfvp 3.0.6b0 BSD XX UTFVP Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.uvad 0.0.7b0 GPL-3.0 XX UVAD Database Access in Bob
bob.db.verafinger 2.0.7b0 BSD XX VERA Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.voicepa 1.1.6b0 BSD XX Audio voicePA Presentation Attack Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.xm2vts 2.1.11b0 BSD XX XM2VTS Database Access API for Bob 2.1.11b0 BSD XX Youtube Faces Database Access API for Bob
bob.devtools 5.4.3b0 BSD XX Tools for development and CI integration of Bob packages 2018.02.21b0 BSD-3-Clause X Bob's documentation aggregation repository
bob.extension 7.0.6b0 BSD XX Building of Python/C++ extensions for Bob
bob.fusion.base 0.1.7b0 GPLv3 XXX Score fusion in biometric and pad experiments 2.0.16b0 BSD XX Audio I/O support for Bob 5.1.2b0 BSD XXX Basic IO for Bob 2.5.2b0 BSD XX Image I/O support for Bob 1.0.2b0 GNU XX New package 3.0.6b0 BSD XX Video I/O support for Bob
bob.ip.base 3.0.1b0 BSD XX Basic Image Processing Utilities for Bob
bob.ip.binseg 1.4.1b0 GNU XX Binary Segmentation Benchmark Package for Bob
bob.ip.color 2.0.19b0 BSD XX Color Conversion Utilities of Bob
bob.ip.facedetect 4.1.1b0 BSD XX Face Detection using a Cascade of Boosted LBP Features
bob.ip.gabor 2.0.20b0 BSD XX C++ code and Python bindings for Bob's Gabor wavelet analysis tools
bob.ip.qualitymeasure 1.1.9b0 GNU XX Image-quality feature-extractors for PAD applications
bob.ip.skincolorfilter 0.0.10b0 BSD XX Skin color filter in the rg colorspace
bob.ip.stereo 1.0.2b0 GNU XX New package
bob.learn.activation 2.0.19b0 BSD XX Bindings for bob.machine's Activation functors
bob.learn.em 3.3.2b0 BSD XXX Bindings for EM machines and trainers of Bob
bob.learn.libsvm 2.1.7b0 BSD XX Bob's Python bindings to LIBSVM
bob.learn.linear 2.1.11b0 BSD XX Bob's Linear Machine and its Trainers
bob.learn.mlp 2.1.14b0 BSD XX Bob's Multi-layer Perceptron and Trainers
bob.learn.pytorch 0.2.1b0 GPL3 X Bob bindings for PyTorch
bob.learn.tensorflow 3.0.1b0 BSD X Bob support for tensorflow
bob.math 3.1.10b0 BSD XX LAPACK and BLAS interfaces for Bob
bob.measure 6.1.2b0 BSD XXX Evaluation metrics for Bob 1.0.3b0 GNU XX Active Tuberculosis Detection On CXR Package for Bob
bob.pad.base 6.0.2b0 GPLv3 XXX A framework for executing the chain of presentation attack detection...
bob.pad.face 5.0.3b0 GPLv3 XXX Implements tools for spoofing or presentation attack detection in face...
bob.paper.cross_modal_focal_loss_cvpr2021 0.0.1b0 GNU X Source code package for CVPR 2021 paper
bob.paper.ijcb2021_vision_transformer_pad 0.0.1b0 GNU X Source code package for CVPR 2021 paper
bob.pipelines 4.0.2b0 BSD XXX Tools to build robust and extensible pipelines
bob.sp 2.0.19b0 BSD XX Bob's signal processing utilities
clapp 1.0.1b0 BSD X Configuration Support for Python Packages and CLIs
clapper 1.0.2.dev25+ge BSD-3-Clause X Configuration Support for Python Packages and CLIs
credible 1.0.2.dev22+gc GPL-3.0-or-later X This library contains implementations of some scikit-learn metrics with...
deepdraw 1.5.1.dev12+g5 GNU X Binary Segmentation Benchmark Package
devtools 1.0.0b0 BSD X This package contains a *pot-pourri* of various tools required to...
exposed 1.0.0b0 BSD XXX Configuration Support for Python Packages and CLIs
gridtk 2.0.2.dev14+gf GPL-3.0-or-later XXX Grid-enabled job submitter and execution monitor for Idiap
idiap-devtools 1.0.1.dev40+gb BSD-3-Clause X A *pot-pourri* of various tools required to develop python packages at...
mednet 1.0.1.dev53+gf GPL-3.0-or-later X Benchmarks for Computer-Aided Disease Detection from Medical Data.
ptbench 1.0.0b0 GNU X Benchmarks for training and evaluating deep models for the detection of...
sleepless 2.0.2.dev16+g6 GPL-3.0-or-later X This package contains benchmarks for sleep phase detection from polysomnographs
Updated: 2025-02-22 08:29:14 +0000 - Files: 102