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linux-64   noarch   osx-64   osx-arm64   
Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64osx-64noarch Summary
aniso8601 4.0.1 BSD XX A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.
aspy.yaml 1.1.1 MIT XX A few extensions to pyyaml.
backports.weakref 1.0rc1 dev Python-2.0 X Backport of new features in Python's weakref module
black 18.9b0 doc dev MIT XXX The Uncompromising Code Formatter 3.2.1 BSD X Tools for running biometric recognition experiments 1.1.0 BSD X Tools for running face recognition experiments using Caffe face models 3.3.0 BSD X Tools for running face recognition experiments 3.1.0 BSD X Tools for running biometric recognition experiments using GMM-based... 3.1.1 GNU X Tools for running speaker recognition experiments 3.3.0 BSD X Run biometric recognition algorithms on videos
bob.db.arface 2.1.4 BSD X AR Face Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.asvspoof 1.1.7 BSD X ASVspoof Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.asvspoof2017 1.0.3 BSD X ASVspoof2017 Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.atvskeystroke 2.1.5 BSD X ATVS-Keystroke Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.avspoof 2.2.8 BSD X Audio AVspoof Attack Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.banca 2.1.5 BSD X BANCA Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.biosecure 2.1.5 BSD X Biosecure Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.biosecurid.face 2.1.8 BSD X BiosecurID (face) Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.casme2 2.1.5 GNU X CASME2 Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.caspeal 2.1.5 BSD X CAS-PEAL Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.cohface 1.0.4 BSD X COHFACE Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.cuhk_cufs 2.1.3 BSD X CUHK Face Sketch Database (CUFS)
bob.db.frgc 2.1.3 BSD X Database Access API of the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC)...
bob.db.fv3d 1.0.0 BSD X 3D Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.gbu 2.1.4 BSD X Database Access API of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (GBU) image...
bob.db.hci_tagging 1.0.4 BSD X Mahnob HCI-Tagging Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.ijba 2.0.3 GNU X IJB-A Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.kboc16 2.0.11 BSD X KBOC16 Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.lfw 2.1.5 BSD X Labeled Faces in the Wild Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.livdet2013 2.0.6 BSD X LivDet 2013 Fingerprint database access for Bob
bob.db.mobio 2.1.5 BSD X MOBIO Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod 2.2.3 BSD X MSU Mobile Face Spoofing Database Access API for Bob, with modified protocol
bob.db.multipie 2.1.4 BSD X Multi-PIE Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.nist_sre12 3.0.3 GNU X Speaker verification protocol on the NIST SRE 2012
bob.db.pericrosseye 1.0.1 BSD X Cross-Spectrum Iris/Periocular Recognition Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.putvein 1.2.1 BSD X PUT Vein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.replay 3.0.3 BSD X Replay Attack Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.replaymobile 1.1.3 BSD X Replay-Mobile Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.scface 2.1.5 BSD X SCface Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.utfvp 2.4.1 BSD X UTFVP Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.verafinger 1.0.0 BSD X VERA Fingervein Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.voicepa 1.0.2 BSD X Voice Presentation Attack (PA) Database Access API for Bob
bob.db.voxforge 2.2.0 BSD X Speaker verification protocol on a subset of the VoxForge database
bob.db.xm2vts 2.1.4 BSD X XM2VTS Database Access API for Bob 2.1.4 BSD X Youtube Faces Database Access API for Bob
bob.ip.caffe_extractor 1.1.1 BSD X Feature extractor using caffe CNNs
bob.ip.facelandmarks 1.0.4 BSD X A wrapper for using menpo (facial keypoints detection library) via Bob
bob.ip.skincolorfilter 0.0.3 GNU X Skin color filter in the rg colorspace
bob.kaldi 1.2.0 BSD X This package provides Python bindings for Kaldi
bob.pad.base 1.0.8 GNU X A framework for executing the chain of presentation attack detection...
bob.pad.face 1.0.0 GNU X Implements tools for spoofing or presentation attack detection in face...
bob.pad.voice 1.0.4 GNU X Package extends bob.pad.base for attack detection in speech
bob.rppg.base 1.0.3 GNU X Collection of rPPG algorithms
ccache 3.3.2 doc dev GPL-3.0 XX a compiler cache
cfgv 1.4.0 MIT XX Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages.
colorlog 3.1.4 MIT XX Log formatting with colors!
cpuonly 1.0 X None
cyvlfeat 0.5.1 BSD XX A thin Cython wrapper around select areas of vlfeat
dataclasses 0.8 Apache-2.0 XX An implementation of PEP 557: Data Classes
ddt 1.2.1 doc dev MIT XXX DDT (Data-Driven Tests) allows you to multiply one test case by running...
dlib 19.7 Boost XX Modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms with Python bindings
docformatter 1.4 MIT X Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257
docker-py 3.6.0 Apache XX Python client for Docker.
docker-pycreds 0.3.0 Apache-2.0 XX Python bindings for the docker credentials store API
docs 2018.02.21b0 BSD-3-Clause X Bob's documentation aggregation repository
eigen 3.3.1 MPL2 X C++ template library for linear algebra
ffmpeg 4.0 doc dev GPL XX Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
flask-restful 0.3.6 doc dev BSD XX Simple framework for creating REST APIs
giflib 5.1.4 MIT XX Library for reading and writing gif images
gridtk 1.5.0 GNU X Parallel Job Manager
html5lib 0.9999999 MIT X HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
identify 1.1.8 MIT XX File identification library for Python
importlib_metadata 0.8 doc Apache XX A library to access the metadata for a Python package
importlib_resources 1.0.2 doc Apache XX a backport of Python 3.7’s standard library importlib.resources module...
ipdb 0.13.3 BSD XX IPython-enabled pdb
kaldi 2017.03.13 doc dev Apache-2.0 X Kaldi is a toolkit for speech recognition written in C++.
keras 2.0.8 doc dev MIT XX Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow
keras-gpu 2.0.8 doc dev MIT X Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow
libblitz 1.0.1 LGPL XX A C++ class library for scientific computing which provides performance...
libmatio 1.5.17 BSD XX A C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files.
libogg 1.3.2 doc BSD3 XX OGG media container
libopencv 4.5.0 BSD-3-Clause XX Computer vision and machine learning software library.
libsvm 3.24 BSD XX A simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification...
madmom 0.16.1 doc dev BSD XX Python audio signal processing library
menpo 0.9.2 BSD XX A statistical modelling toolkit, providing all the tools required to...
menpofit 0.6.1 BSD XX None
menpowidgets 0.3.0p6 BSD XX Stores all the Jupyter notebook widgets for the Menpo Project
mido 1.2.9 doc dev MIT XX MIDI Objects for Python
mne 0.18.1 BSD XX Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python
mr.developer 2.0.0 BSD XX A zc.buildout extension to ease the development of large projects with...
nasm 2.13.02 BSD XX Netwide Assembler: an assembler targetting the Intel x86 series of processors.
nodeenv 1.3.3 BSD XX Node.js virtual environment builder
olefile 0.42.1 dev BSD XX Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files...
opencv 4.5.0 BSD-3-Clause XX Computer vision and machine learning software library.
openfst 1.6.7 doc dev Apache-2.0 X A library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching...
openh264 1.7.0 doc dev BSD-2-Clause XX OpenH264 is a codec library which supports H.264 encoding and decoding
oset 0.1.3 Python XX Set that remembers original insertion order
pathlib 1.0 MIT XX None
pkgtools 0.7.3 MIT XX Python Packages Tools, with Python 3.3 support
pre_commit 1.13.0 dev MIT XX A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
protobuf 3.3.0 BSD X Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
py-opencv 4.5.0 BSD-3-Clause XX Computer vision and machine learning software library.
pyedflib 0.1.14 BSD XX pyedflib is a python library to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files based on EDFlib
pytables 3.6.1 doc dev BSD XX Brings together Python, HDF5 and NumPy to easily handle large amounts of data.
pytest-qt 3.2.2 doc dev MIT XX pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications
python-gitlab 2.6.0 doc dev LGPL-3.0 XX Python wrapper for the GitLab API
pytorch 1.7.0 BSD XX PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs.
ratelimiter 1.2.0.post0 Apache-2.0 X Simple Python module providing rate limiting.
schema 0.7.4 MIT XX Simple data validation library
snakemake 5.5.4 MIT X A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility.
sox 14.4.2 LGPLv2 XX A cross-platform command line utility that can convert various formats...
speex 1.2.0 BSD-3-Clause XX Speex: A Free Codec For Free Speech
speexdsp 1.2rc3 BSD-3-Clause X Speex: A Free Codec For Free Speech
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain 1.7.0 doc dev BSD-2-Clause XX Sphinx domain for describing HTTP APIs
sphinxcontrib-mermaid 0.6.1 doc dev MIT XX Mermaid diagrams in yours Sphinx powered docs
sphinxcontrib-programoutput 0.16 doc dev BSD XX Sphinx extension to include program output
subprocess32 3.2.7 PSF XX A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x.
tensorflow 1.2.1 Apache X TensorFlow helps the tensors flow
toolchain 2.4.0 BSD XX A meta-package to enable the right toolchain.
torchvision 0.8.1 BSD XX image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning
tqdm 4.11.1 MPLv2.0, XX A Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
untokenize 0.1.1 MIT X Transforms tokens into original source code (while preserving whitespace)
vlfeat 0.9.21 BSD XX The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision...
websocket-client 0.54.0 LGPL XX WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported.
x264 20131217 GPL XX A free software library for encoding video streams into the...
yasm 1.3.0 BSD XX Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the...
zc.buildout 2.13.3 Zope XX System for managing development buildouts
zc.recipe.egg 2.0.7 Zope XX System for managing development buildouts
zipp 0.3.3 MIT XX A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper.
Updated: 2025-02-22 23:01:16 +0000 - Files: 129